


Have another book on wattpad, called third time's a charm by emotionfree. also co-author of ephemeral blood hunt

2024-01-09 JoinedGlobal

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  • glass_frog


    Tsukiko could feel the weight of the text message she had just received, the plan that could possibly kill them and their loved ones would start tomorrow, not next week, not next month, tomorrow. She sucked in a deep breath before slowly letting it out to calm herself down before replying to Jae-sung's message. "Okay. I'm ready to do my part, Ipromise". Tsukiko hit the send button and stood up to lay on her bed, feeling even more drained than she was before and let out a fatigued sigh. As she was in the middle of sighing, her screen lit up and a 'ding' was heard. Jae-sung had already replied to her message??, so fast?!!
    Lucid Dreams of Late
    Fantasy · Marshmallowsan
  • glass_frog

    Tsuki, you don't pay attention to details, do you? because as people who are relatively in danger, i think you would need to stay in contact

    She immediately snapped out of it. It seems she had let her thoughts wander off for too long. Shaking her head, she refocused her attention on the matter at hand. Jae-sung had already stopped laughing and only a faint smile remained. "Tsukiko, I asked you a question just now", he said. Feeling a bit guilty, Tsukiko could only tell Jae-sung that she wasn't paying attention and asked if he could repeat what he had asked her. Tsukiko thought that he was probably extremely irritated but to her surprise he simply repeated the question patiently: "Do you have a cell phone". Tsukiko, although a bit befuddled, got her cell phone out of her bag, and when he saw that she did have a cell phone, asked for her number. Tsukiko dazedly did so wondering why he would want her number. After successfully getting her number, Jae-sung told her to expect a text message from him and bade her farewell. 
    Lucid Dreams of Late
    Fantasy · Marshmallowsan
  • glass_frog

    oldukça hızlı tempolu ama sorun değil

    Jaesung, "Yes...and no. I'll explain it on the way there. Anyway, before we get the information, we'll need to take it slow and observe what may happen in the next few days, but this part of the plan is dangerous. After all, judging from the nature of the anonymous message, I'd say whoever's pulling the strings still plans to toy with us by sending more monsters from The Darkness which would mean that we would be in constant danger, so we would have to be very careful, all the time. Tsukiko, I know I already asked you before but are sure you want to do this?". Tsukiko nodded vigorously to show that she was both ready and willing.
    Lucid Dreams of Late
    Fantasy · Marshmallowsan
  • glass_frog

    şşşt, bunun hakkında konuşmayız, YASAK

    What Kim Jae-sung wanted to do was to play along with the anonymous person while they secretly investigated on their own. Though it sounded easy, Tsukiko knew it wasn't. They would be risking their lives for this very investigation, and they may not be able to find any information, plus they were both still teenagers, how could two teenagers conduct a whole investigation, all on their own? 
    Lucid Dreams of Late
    Fantasy · Marshmallowsan
  • glass_frog

    kardeşim 0,25 saniyeden kısa bir sürede bir plan hazırladı

    Tsukiko was as shocked as she was impressed and gave him a thumbs up. Jae-sung smiled lightly at this gesture and began to quickly explain the details of his plan. Tsukiko listened very carefully and once he was done; she couldn't help but widen her eyes and she turned her head to face him. Jae-sung faced her as well, putting a very serious expression on his face, he asked, "Can you do it?". Truth be told, she really wasn't sure if she could as Jae-sung's plan was extremely dangerous.
    Lucid Dreams of Late
    Fantasy · Marshmallowsan
  • glass_frog

    Tsuki you're jumping to conclusions, he just said you needed a plan, not i have a plan. calm down, girlie

    Tsukiko was momentarily stunned. Normal teenagers would have cracked from the sheer pressure of the situation, yet he had actually managed to come up with a plan?!
    Lucid Dreams of Late
    Fantasy · Marshmallowsan
  • glass_frog

    The darkness is practically the black hole of the magic world

    The Darkness was exactly as its name implied, an infinitely dark world, void any light and filled with monsters, beasts and demons of unknown origin. It is often said that those were unfortunate to have come in contact with this world never come back and those who do, end up mad for the rest of their lives. The Darkness had claimed of many magic users and regular folk, so many that all the powerful magic practitioners gathered to discuss what should become of it before they decided to place a very strong enchantment at its border which allowed none to enter, and none to leave. This gathering was the very one that Tsukiko's parents were supposed to attend before they were kidnapped thus leaving a very deep psychological impression on Tsukiko. 
    Lucid Dreams of Late
    Fantasy · Marshmallowsan
  • glass_frog

    Hogwarts of Japan

    So, Tsukiko stayed in this zone of hers all the way to the last period of the day. From potion making to wand waving and from there to lunch then to gym, she stayed in tis hyper-focused, extremely concentrated state and she was happy as a student at TMS (The Maho Seminary) could be. Tsukiko absolutely loved learning and being in this state really helped her achieve that. Not even Miyuki, her best friend could do anything to make her lose focus, not that Miyuki ever tried to.
    Lucid Dreams of Late
    Fantasy · Marshmallowsan
  • glass_frog

    but the cockroach was just trying to live its life, you were the one bothering it

    Ch 2 Chapter 2: Maho Seminary
    Lucid Dreams of Late
    Fantasy · Marshmallowsan
  • glass_frog

    I see tsuki as the female satoru gojo

    Tsukiko made her way towards school. This school was not your average school, it was much different from any other institution for learning. In fact, The Maho Seminary, otherwise known as Maho High was an elite school that taught young and aspiring, future magic users. All the sons and daughters of powerful figures in the magic world went there to practice their magic and all the students, when compared to other students in other schools, were significantly stronger in terms of magic and were well versed in the use of various spells and incantations as well as the usage of magical objects. This came as no surprise to the other school seeing as how this was an elite school they were dealing with. Not just anybody could go there and you had to either be from a very well-known and powerful family, or you had to be quite talented yourself. If you possessed neither of these, then studying magic at The Maho Seminary, was nothing more than an illusion. Tsukiko possessed both these things but she was accepted solely because she was extremely talented. So talented that she had often outshone her pairs, though she never bragged about it and maintained a very humble attitude when interacting with them. This caused her to be well-liked by all of her classmates. Even those in other classes always had something good to say about her and her teachers would praise her for her brilliance. Aside from that, another reason why she was well-liked was the fact that she was in a sense "The School Flower" and what a flower she was. She had beautiful, white hair that she often put into two pigtails, her blue eyes were as transparent as glass and seemed to see through people. Strangely, she also had long eyelashes that matched the colour of her hair but when asked about it, she always replied saying with a smile: "I guess that's how I was born". After that, no one asked anymore. 
    Lucid Dreams of Late
    Fantasy · Marshmallowsan
  • glass_frog

    GO TSUKI, GO!!!!!

    Rushing downstairs, she waved her brother goodbye and set out for school with newfound confidence. She had only one thought in her mind ; "I'll smile and smile, until my cheeks hurt!"
    Lucid Dreams of Late
    Fantasy · Marshmallowsan
  • glass_frog

    Who doesn't want to miss the first day of school?

    Back to the present, Tsukiko opened the door for her brother and hugged him. Feeling a bit surprised, Hirano patted her back and asked with a warm smile, "What's wrong Tsuki, did you have another bad dream?". She nodded and looked up at her brother with eyes that seemed apologetic. Hirano simply hugged her again and said, "You don't need to apologize for being scared of a dream, it's perfectly normal". Tsukiko hugged her brother back "I know, but I get frustrated with myself every time it happens. Brother, is there any way I can stop being so scared of these nightmares?". Hirano released her from his hug and thought for a moment before smiling once more. "There is. Tsuki, all you have to do is is smile and have courage, and all your worries and fears will melt away". Tsukiko, though not fully understanding what her brother meant, sincerely promised to do so. Hirano smiled and patted her head. "That's the spirit, now get ready for school. You wouldn't want to miss your first day of a new school year". Tsukiko nodded with a smile and immediately went back to her to get ready for school. She combed her hair, brushed her teeth, washed her face, put on her uniform and stood in front of the mirror for a while, checking to make sure she looked clean and pristine until she was finally ready for school. 
    Lucid Dreams of Late
    Fantasy · Marshmallowsan
  • glass_frog

    This reminds of OCD for some reason🙂

    She continuously tried to tell herself over and over again that the things she saw were only a figment of her imagination and they'd never happen in real life. She had to, after all, it was anything far from pleasant. Some of you may be wondering what she had dreamt of, what dream could a person shake so much and for so long. Well, to put it simply, it was a dream that she feared could soon become a reality, and if it did, all her loved ones would be in grave danger and it would be her doing. 
    Lucid Dreams of Late
    Fantasy · Marshmallowsan