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Transformer: Wolfie

Ryder, a boy of 15 transforms into a wolf at will. This special ability set him aside from his peers. He gets enrolled in 'Frost Academy', and uncovers a whole new world. Getting to see other intriguing abilities, abilities such as: Super speed, Pyrokinesis, Intangibility, Cryokinesis etc. Most importantly, he got to understand that the world consisted of two major races: Humans and Mutants. Where each race was only tolerating the other. The academy has a long history too. It was built by the first 'Head of House': 'Brandon Regan Frost'. The Frost ancestors had travelled from the Southern World to the Western, escaping those who continued killing mutants subsequent to the first 'Interracial war'; a war more like the massacre of one race — the Mutant race. It was said that: Lord Aryan, and his sister, Ayra, looked upon the world on which they had once threaded, and cried. Their tears brought peace to the world; opening the 'tears of Ayra', which supposedly cleansed the lands and ended the bloodshed, but are those tears enough? Or are the gods destined to cry again? In this school, Ryder met Josie Checkers, whom he falls in love with. Much older than him, their relationship was a taboo. But either through sheer love or lust, they were able to savor a romantic relationship from this 'interdiction'. But Josie gets killed, and her death was followed by the brutal killing of humans. Which was believed to be the mutant's retaliation, and this unleashed the second interracial war. Humans have the advantage of numbers while Mutants have the advantage of abilities. Will these advantages be enough to sustain each race? Or will one drive the other to extinction? Or will the gods open a second river? Give this book a chance and find out.

fawzziyah_habeeb · Fantasy
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