


Hi, I'm Luki and I'm starting my writing journey. If you have any tips for me - share them! I want to make stories that people enjoy so community feedback is really important to me.

2024-01-09 JoinedGlobal



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  • LukiOfficial
    LukiOfficial3 months ago

    Hello everyone! I wanted to truly apologize for the lack of chapter in the last months. I already have them written, but it was really difficult to organize stuff with my editor. Both me and him didn't have much time recently, but nowadays I would say we have too much free time. Nonetheless, I've been asking my editor to check out Chapter Five for few months and he still didn't do it. It's not his fault - it's not his job to correct mistakes in Project: ABYSS, he's only doing it as a friendly favor. That's why I decided to oversee my chapter Independently. The chapters may have more flaws and grammar mistakes in the future but I promise to always check them thoroughly before publishing. Thanks to that, chapter schedule is going to get back on track. I once again apologize for the lack or chapters and I want to thank my editor for the work he's done for Protect: ABYSS. New chapter will now appear every week!

  • LukiOfficial
    LukiOfficial6 months ago

    I'm sorry for the recent lack of chapters. Due to an important exams I need to take a break from publishing. Although I already have some chapters that are ready to publish, I want them to be as perfect as they can be. That's why Project: Abyss will resume in the middle of May. Thank you for your support and see you soon!