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Ok thanks for letting me know
I like the novel so far but I’m curious will the MC get? NTR’ED like his woman being stolen Is there any yuri like just his woman doing it with each other while he’s there and they wouldn’t do it without him
The novel sounds good but I’m confused where does the novel begin because it sounds like the novel starts halfway, and is there going to be Sumt NTR and if so is the MC going to get NTR’ED or is he going to NRT Yuri and if so is it going to be when the MC is doing sumt stuff on the bed and not going to happen outside of the bed or is it going to happen outside the bed Is there threesomes or not
Would the MC NTR’S or MC get’s NTR’ED
Is the MC first beast called max is it a he or she because in the panel with the info it said the beast is a female but the MC named it max and and I’m curious if the beast will have a human like body or not and do sumt stuff with her if it is a she
So far I like the novel but does it have sm*t? Does it also have NRT?
I now that’s why I asked
Oh ok
Hi I think the novel is pretty good so far but I’m confused about how he made a shadow core can you give more details on how the MC obtain ability and resources because I’m on how he obtained those stuff or I’m just not falling along properly and you don’t have to worry about me not reading this novel I will still read this novel and you don’t have to listen to my opinion at all and so you can just do what you are doing now dut like I say this my opinion and you don’t have to listen to it
Sorry for miss spelling chapter my autocorrect kicked in and thank god because I was scared and almost sh*t my pants and that was because I was interested in this novel so far