Harry Potter: The Blogger of Hogwarts
When Harry Potter enters the magical world, no one bothers to mention two important things: the Statute of Secrecy or that electronics shouldn't work at Hogwarts. Oblivious to these rules, Harry continues writing his blog, blissfully unaware of the chaos it will cause.
To the Muggle world, he's hailed as a brilliant fantasy author, creating a seemingly fictional universe. But in reality, Harry is chronicling his real-life magical adventures. His Hogwarts friends think he's a walking disaster, endangering the wizarding world with each post. Meanwhile, the British intelligence agency MI6 is utterly baffled, convinced Hermione Granger is a Russian spy involved in some bizarre secret operation.
As Harry's blog gains fame, the lines between the magical and Muggle worlds blur, leading to misunderstandings, hilarious situations, and, of course, a few international incidents.
Modern AU.
Nebula_Scribe · Book&Literature