I don’t like harem but I well read some if it’s good and recommend it to you but harem is not my favorite so me liking one is on in a million One thing I’m not good at spelling or making sense
of reading
Read books
That what I think to people like this kind of books that why people who hate unrealistic books don’t waste time reading something that they will just drop in like 5 chapters because it was not in there standard. Like me didn’t like it because everything was so predictable which is not my cup of tea.
It is it’s a bisexual novel where the mc does not care if it’s a man or a woman
I wrote a lot and some are nonsense but it’s good information please do note that this is not my first language and I’m bad at explaining things so don’t judge. I’m not saying that it was that bad it just that this novel really confused me there a lot of unrealistic stuff that happening which it’s just firing my brain because of how the brain works which takes thing that are unrealistic to complete chaos so what I think is that this is unrealistic why I’m I reading this? It just makes my mind want to stop with all the confusion all together it’s like looking at a math test that you have no idea what to do and where to start you start to get bored makes you sleepy that what’s happening that how I felt I don’t understand what happened so I can’t just take it easy I need to understand why it’s like a puzzle that goes nowhere. I don’t know if you understand I know that it’s lazy work to not write till they are born and watch them grow up but it was done poorly you should understand where I’m coming from ya maybe it will get good in the future but right now it’s just a no for me I do like the fact that this is different from other novel do but the start of the story is just not it. It doesn’t mean other people will not read it some people like this kind of thing unrealistic, funny moments it just it’s not for all people like me who don’t like things that don’t make sense of course there can be a lot of unrealistic things in novel but it can’t just go overboard like magic that fine but you should still try to make things realistic like how the human body works or what magic does it helps people stop overthinking about things and get in the story. But of course you can’t just change thing that people find common sense like a new born talking or walking a lot of novel did this concept but they have a good explanation for it like one of them being the the Demon king and has magic helps or other where they are a monster that grows up fast but your don’t have that kind of stuff it doesn’t have a explosion for it all I gathered is that she in a game but that still doesn’t explain.
Okay so like I said I will see if I like this novel but I didn't know that it was this bad okay so let me tell you why first its that everything is going to fast every word the author wrote is unrealistic why is a new born child talking and walking? This really is confusing me I know there magic in the world but that still doesn’t explain why she talking and walking the author should have just skip this whole thing and make her older but we have to sit here to wait for her to grow up none of this makes sense it wasn’t even the harem that got me to stop reading it, it was the plot I just don’t get what’s happening. It seems that the author took inspiration from a anime but was done poorly. Please do give me info on what happening because this novel was one of the most confusing novel i ever read why where you making the mc like this and what was the thought process behind it.
Alright I will read it if I do read it and like it this is going to be my first novel that I like that has a harem on it. I been looking for a novel where the main character only goes out with one or two because Chinese people really like to go extra crazy with harem its crazy the amount of women that are on his harem not only that none of them know that they are dating a guy who cheated on them it’s crazy.
Hello author so I saw this and I really want to read it but it has harem which I’m okay with but there some boundaries to it how much is the harem going to be how many girl will there be??
Didn’t he killed some?