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Few examples of her living for others; her literal birth was only to be a weapon to kill alaris, her suffering at the hands of her mom was only because the mom couldn’t hurt her grapist, her joining the bride choosing tradition is so her sister doesn’t have to, her losing her first fiancé is also because of her sister’s wellbeing, her connection with the gem, has to do with alaris, her suffering at the hands of kestra because of Eli, her suffering at the hands of those demons, all due to her sacrificing herself to try and save Eli from his curse, her getting all those spirits in her, all because a witch used her body to kill kestra, her going through so many near death experiences all for Eli and to resurrect him, her entering the white dragon’s kingdom all for alaris, her dieing, all for alaris, her going through that trial etc. for Eli. (I’m probably missing several self sacrificing plot points belladonna had to go through just to help someone else but I think I’ve made my point clear.)Then the book ends and I’m supposed to say it’s a happy ending? She’s never lived for herself. This book has so many chapters yet so little happy moments for the main character. I’m only disappointed because I feel the main character deserved way more than what she got for such a long ahh rollercoaster ride too.
Well I finally finished it. My ship crashed and burned and didn’t even exist despite the hints and tension and very much possibility it just kept getting forced down for whatever reason. I never wanted Eli to die, but he did. I felt that was pointless because he literally gets resurrected and gets her pregnant with twins in the end so…i feel if he was gonna live anyway why bother killing him. I don’t feel everything belladonna went through was necessary in any way. All that she’s suffered did not make her stronger, it did not make her smarter, it did not change her. She literally got beat down every chapter, basically became a nobody in alaris’s arc, only for her to die when she finally had a purpose. Then she went through that trial with the fates wanting to murder her only for them to leave her with a life/generational threat. That means her kids, grand kids, great grandkids will have to pay the toll. Wtf? Yet that’s her happy ending? Cant this girl have any peace ever? This story felt like it had a mission, it felt like it had a purpose but was executed very poorly. The ending wouldn’t have felt so lackluster if it didn’t take so long. Majority of the things that happened in this book literally doesn’t even matter. I don’t even know why alaris was even made a character. his arc had nothing to do with the main plot nor story. It feels like filler in the book just to make it longer and same for kestra’s daughter, that stoic knight, and everything. Even though belladonna was the main character,everything that she went through was never for her, it was always for someone else and now that the book is finally over it all was literally pointless. That’s just sad. This book was pointlessly depressing.
Wow so is this wrapping up? When Eli died I thought that was giving her and alaris romance to bloom. But that dude keeps getting heavily friendzoned. I truly feel like their could’ve been something there much stronger than her and eli. Now this is happening so I guess that ship was just never meant to be. Sad for alaris. But belladonna been through so much in this book. I truly feel all the bad crap that happened to her far outweighed any tiny bit of good and just getting Eli and her being “the kore” just feels empty. There’s a huge imbalance in my opinion. This was a long rollercoaster ride
Uhm… wow. This story is like the tiktok trend “never let them know your next move”. It’s very unpredictable. I’m at a loss for words. So the mc of the book just died. Will she be reincarnated? The one thing I will say though was she lived a tragic life. My goodness. Barley any happy moments for her now she’s just dead. Starting this book there’s no way in hell I’d envision it being like this
A bit harsh
Well I hope with this time skip she’s better adapted to her abilities
I’m so excited for Aniya and ikrus’s story. I also can’t wait to see how belladonna’s story wraps up. I wonder if there’s a possibility of romance in her story since Eli died.
She should start potty training him
Exactly leave the spoil princess to find out on her own
Thank goodness.