


A writer immersed in her own fantasy world📝

2023-10-13 JoinedGlobal



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In the gripping tale of "Close to the enemy" Audrey embarks on a relentless quest to uncover the truth behind her parents' tragic demise. Little does she know that the killer is much closer than she could have ever imagined. As Audrey finds herself drawn to a suspect she believes is connected to the murderer, she unexpectedly falls in love. Cyrus becomes the focal point of her suspicion, but unknown to Audrey, he is not involved in her parents' tragic fate. Instead, he is well aware of the dangers lurking in her pursuit for revenge, trying desperately to dissuade her from this perilous path. Cyrus believes that justice is best left to a higher power, urging Audrey to leave the vendetta to fate. Audrey's team, comprised of loyal allies Jonathan, Claudia Wesley, and Chelsea, are united in their shared mission. Trusting each other implicitly, their alliance is unshakeable. However, a hidden treachery lies within their midst. Jonathan, unbeknownst to the group, holds a shocking secret - his own father is the true perpetrator behind the murder of Audrey's parents. Struggling with the conflicting desire to protect his father, Jonathan wrestles with the weight of guilt as he cunningly conceals the truth from Sandra and the team. "Close to the enemy" delves deep into the tangled web of deceit, love, and loyalty. As the suspense builds, Audrey determination for justice clashes with her blossoming feelings for Cyrus. The team's unity is shaken as Jonathan grapples with his dark secret, torn between loyalty to his father and doing what is right. Will Audrey discover the truth about her parents' killer before it's too late? Can she find a balance between avenging their deaths and following her heart? "Close To The Enemy" offers a thrilling journey that will keep readers on the edge of their seats, unraveling the mysteries that lie beneath the surface and revealing that sometimes the most dangerous shadows are the ones closest to us.

Purplyn_ · Urban
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