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DxDxD: Digital Draconic Deus (Highschool DxD Digimon Fusion AU)

In a world already filled with supernatural forces from the lowliest magic beast to the mightiest god, a sudden change can cause the whole world to go into disarray. There are many people and things that can cause ripples in the world. A mutation granting one power beyond their kin, being lucky enough to be born with a Sacred Gear of great power, the schemes and machinations of the many factions, and many more things. But no one and nothing could have anticipated the change that the first computer being turned on could bring. For decades a world hidden even from the sight of the greatest seers and mightiest gods grew and developed. But a place such as that couldn't be hidden forever. Many took notice of the new world that had sprung up from ones and zeros… and many from the fledgling world took notice of their new neighbors as well. From those residing in the lowest pits of the Underworld to the highest Heaven's. And from the denizens of the deepest darkness of the Dark Area to the residents of the gentle light of the Kernel. Battles were fought and bonds were formed. Fates were averted or in some cases twisted. Deals were struck, alliances formed, and schemes devised. The world shifted as the Digital World began to make itself known. One way or another. From clandestine meetings between mythological figures and their digital counterparts to the more mundane creation of media depicting the Digital Monsters. Animations, novels, toys, and games. All were either dreamed up by man or were true stories from the Digital World. But such things weren't relevant to one boy. Not entirely. He too, like the rest of the world, was swept up in the tide of popularity that arose from the wonders that were Digital Monsters. Even if he would one day go on to change both the Real and Digital Worlds. For now, he was content to enjoy his summer vacation. The summer of 1999 was a time that Hyoudou Issei would never forget.

HADEZ · Anime & Comics
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