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It's starting to get annoying, these excessive criticisms of the British wizarding world, as if elitism didn't exist in every country in the world, when it's not bloodline it's money, and when it's not both.
Looking forward to the next chapters
If there is no reasonable explanation for recent events I will drop this story because if you do something nonsensical once to have a little drama you will do it again, and I really hope the characters are not Nike Fury's lapdogs, because so far the story is average to bad in my opinion the MC literally has the same background as the original Clark in a different universe it is ridiculous, so far the story borders on complete disappointment.
It must be the Stark blood making the Karstarks dumber, the level of stupidity is almost the same as Brandon Stark going after Rhaegar based on rumors asking the king's son to leave and die.
B Minato, the only member of the group who does not have a bloodline limit advantage, is certainly the most talented and probably the strongest ninja without a bloodline.
The MC's martial spirit should have evolved by now, enough time has passed for this to happen.
In fact, he was at level 42, almost 43 if I'm not mistaken, so 3 months to pass less than 1 and a half levels is quite slow.
Margery is not Daenarys where she has enough power for her past to be irrelevant, Margery being twice widowed is not suitable for marriage and her family is not at all trustworthy, Dany and Rhaenys are the characters that make the most sense to have a marriage, especially Dany, she has too much power to be left alone and Rhaenys would guarantee the loyalty of House Martell.
What a useless ancestor, instead of passing on some high-level techniques to the MC, maybe even a celestial technique, he only offers his shitty bloodline, or this trash from the Xiao clan didn't have any celestial techniques, an ancient clan agent expects some high-level cultivation and combat technique but doesn't have any of those things, or are you going to tell me that he reached the maximum level of the Saint Realm without a very good cultivation technique, the MC may not need it, but the Clan members do. One of the worst things about this story is the complete lack of variety of cultivation and combat techniques, especially the high-level ones.
It seems that the dragon and serpent bloodlines that MC obtained are useless since despite MC having them I never saw him use any of their abilities he shouldn't feel anything in this river since he has the same fucking bloodline as Medusa and is stronger than her, but you can't expect much from MTL, the author has already done an incredible job in translating, the story is not bad, I don't know if the author adapted the story a little to be more readable or if it was already like that in the original.