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He's from Highschool of the dead. Honestly this one is genuinely useless, even more than a completely normal world. He could have been useful if this had been a slice of life anime since he would have had access to the internet and possibly the manga and anime that the other Renzo are living in, which would give them an insane amount of useful information they could have forgotten about their worlds, in addition to the knowledge of how to create technology they could use, of techniques they could get inspired by. But HotD? It's an apocalypse type world where the internet goes offline, food is scarce, water is contaminated, there is no power system and nothing useful to train, and the author died before even reaching the middle point of the story, so we don't even know if the virus is natural or man-made. For all we know it's a viral attack from aliens wanting to conquer the world. Like seriously, we aren't even sure if the zombies are exclusive to Japan or if they have already spread to every country. The only reason to even bother with that world would be the Waifus, but they're either already in love with the MC, crazy or useless. The only way this doesn't end up being a useless world would be for the author to make it a massively different Alternative Universe. And even then, would it still be HotD if he suddenly introduces some wild shit like magic, aura or Ki? At least there, he should easily be the World's strongest man, so that's at least something. Maybe he can go scavenge libraries and Akihabara to get manga? Maybe acquiring a military plane and running away?
To be fair, Demon Slayer us one of those worlds where telling your meta knowledge to the good guys is a good idea. Best case scenario, he learns Tamamo's expertise on the Blue Flowers and he can create a perfect immortality immune to the sun that he will be able to share with every other Renzo. Worst case scenario, Muzan gets the knowledge because of the butterfly effect, and he just needs to run away a few month to America or China until another Renzo gives him a sealing technique or an immortal killing technique.
There is a missing chapter. You posted 23 instead of 22.
Basically Madachika is some random Romance Comedy protagonist, and what Ren is saying is that a romcom protagonist is not "important" in the eyes of fate' That's why Ren could cuck him with no repercussions. But for someone like Godou who is destined to beat the Campione killer Rama? Fate would try to protect him way more than some random protagonist, that's why Ren never learned of the existence of Campione and Heretic gods until it was too late for him to steal Godou's opportunity. The world was trying to stop him from destroying fate.
He must absolutely fly to Morio to get Crazy diamond and Pearl Jam. They're the 2 greatest stands that he can get at the moment.
Is she possessed by a Daemon or succubus? It would explain his sister having pink hair.
To be honest I can understand why he thinks that. When he asked Toronbo several questions at the beginning, he was basically told that it was a pure DBD world. Of course it was written before Daima but what can we do about it?
Holy shit so that was him. I knew that devil fruit was familiar but I couldn't remember who used it for the life of me.
For some reason, Seimei's ability to copy jutsu with his Sharingan comes and goes with no logic. When he was in Iwa, he copied Wind Blade without any problem, and just recently, he copied Hiding in the Mist effortlessly, and both jutsus were recognized by his System. But then other times, his Sharingan suddenly loses its memorizing ability even though it's literally supposed to give him an absolute perfect memory. If it had worked normally, then he would have already gotten jutsus of all the elements. But I guess the author is nerfing him so he doesn't obtain mastery of all elements for some reason, despite the fact that it wouldn't really help him much at this point when he's already Kage level in taijutsu, kenjutsu, and ninjutsu.
The first death was Assassin tho