

2023-09-18 JoinedGlobal

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  • IDontLikeYuri

    Thanks for the chapters

    Ch 28 My Name is Ye Xiu; I’m a Substitute for Excellent Era
    The King's Avatar: I, Liu Hao, Turn over a new leaf
    Anime & Comics · ReidAstrea
  • IDontLikeYuri

    Thanks for the chapter

    Ch 25 Fall Asleep in a Second
    The King's Avatar: I, Liu Hao, Turn over a new leaf
    Anime & Comics · ReidAstrea
  • IDontLikeYuri
    Replied to Schwarz_Sama

    I didn't say anything about Yamato? He was lagging behind the others, that's why I said he can confidently claim to be the 2nd strongest. Nobody is expecting him to outclass her right now, but he should be waaaaaay ahead of the others.

    "You know, even if the whole world is in flames, I'll protect my people!" Luffy declared with conviction, feeling an uncontrollable power growing within him. He immediately identified the nature of this power and did his best to keep it under control, fearing it would cause a collapse in the room. However, a wave of energy burst from him, affecting everyone present. Fortunately, Luffy managed to prevent most from fainting, but a mysterious shockwave swept through the environment, sending shivers down everyone's spine. Those who were still conscious saw their knees weaken, some of them collapsing on the floor, while others recoiled in fear.
    One Piece - I Am A Different Luffy!
    Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague
  • IDontLikeYuri

    Thanks for the chapters

    Ch 23 Seven Hundred Yuan
    The King's Avatar: I, Liu Hao, Turn over a new leaf
    Anime & Comics · ReidAstrea
  • IDontLikeYuri

    Just take your time, appreciate the update though, not many authors on here do that =)

    Ch 17 Update
    Reborn as klaus Mikaelson at the beginning of Originals
    TV · Beelze1
  • IDontLikeYuri

    I hope that you don't keep nerfing the MC in future fights. It's understandable for him to want to hide his crews power, but his power is already known, so the whole Akainu fight was completely pointless because he wasn't even going all out and also seemed to forget how to use certain things. I understand you want to make the fights interesting, but nerfing your MC is not the way, it just makes me want to skim through everything because he's not even trying, so it just feels pointless. Don't get me wrong, I know him going all out at the beginning would be extremely boring, but at least let him remember to use his basic abilities, getting ambushed when he has observation haki is just nonsense, you can't even use the excuse that his body can't react fast enough or that would just negate all of his training and gains throughout the journey so far, the only one that should be capable of ambushing him at this point(that we've seen) is Kizaru. Remember, reacting is different from pure speed.

    Ch 237 Chapter 237 - Enies Lobby 14!
    One Piece - I Am A Different Luffy!
    Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague
  • IDontLikeYuri

    Bro needs to level up his observation haki. His body is definitely good enough to react to something that he can see coming, but he has been caught lacking two or 3 times in this fight, the only explanation is that he forgot that he has observation haki. Akainu is nowhere near fast enough for him to be unable to react.

    Meanwhile, Luffy continued making the island tremble until Akainu, underground, saw that he was not in a good situation that could lead to the defeat of the entire navy, so he decided to act. He finally emerged from the ground with a leap, exploding and flying upwards, while his fist transformed into another giant lava fist darkening with Haki. As he approached, he punched Luffy without him being able to react while he kept his flames destroying the island, but now making him stop his attack as they retreated in the opposite direction due to the impact.
    One Piece - I Am A Different Luffy!
    Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague
  • IDontLikeYuri

    Any yuri?

    Ch 1 Suspicious Chatting Apps
    Dimension-Defying Chat Syndicate
    Anime & Comics · Bakakeju
  • IDontLikeYuri
    Replied to Soap_of_Starlight

    Any yuri?

    This book has been deleted.
  • IDontLikeYuri

    Fuwa Fuwa Time!!

    Luffy had a goal at this moment, the Fuwa Fuwa no Mi.
    One Piece - I Am A Different Luffy!
    Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague
  • IDontLikeYuri

    Thanks for the chapter

    Ch 188  Chapter 188 - Jaya 04.
    One Piece - I Am A Different Luffy!
    Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague
  • IDontLikeYuri

    Lol now he is just a dog on a leash. Thanks for the chapter. (Not complaining btw, just making an observation)

    Ch 13 A God’s Wrath…(Edited Again))
    The New God Of Destruction
    Anime & Comics · TrueCulture_io123
  • IDontLikeYuri

    ohhh, I would really enjoy a good Cyberpunk fanfic!!!

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    One Piece - I Am A Different Luffy!
    Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague
  • IDontLikeYuri

    Ehh, I guess I was wrong about him relying on her to challenge the really strong characters, it just seemed that way with him calling for her when he wanted to challenge Mihawk. Really glad that you proved me wrong. Idk why that moment cemented the MC as weak in my mind, but I really disliked the way she was being used as a safety net because he didn't want to learn haki.

    "It's okay. We can handle it. It's powerful, but I'll deal with that guy," Luffy decided, turning to Yamato. "Yamato, besides me, you might be the only one who can handle his lightning on our ship. Can you stay here to protect it?" He asked. He could let Yamato handle it, but as the captain and someone who watched the original work, would he leave dealing with the legendary Enel to a third party? Of course not.
    One Piece - I Am A Different Luffy!
    Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague
  • IDontLikeYuri

    Since he refuses to learn haki, all it would take is them sending an Admiral to him and he would fold instantly. Bro is doing big things, but doesn't have the strength to protect his people when his enemies actually get serious. I honestly hope Enel or Crocodile clap him so he learns not to be arrogant. He'll just rely on Yamato for the actual strong guys though.

    Ch 101 Chapter 101 - Journey to Reverse Mountain 03!
    One Piece - I Am A Different Luffy!
    Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague
  • IDontLikeYuri

    Finally, now he confidently claim to be the 2nd strongest in his crew lol.

    "You know, even if the whole world is in flames, I'll protect my people!" Luffy declared with conviction, feeling an uncontrollable power growing within him. He immediately identified the nature of this power and did his best to keep it under control, fearing it would cause a collapse in the room. However, a wave of energy burst from him, affecting everyone present. Fortunately, Luffy managed to prevent most from fainting, but a mysterious shockwave swept through the environment, sending shivers down everyone's spine. Those who were still conscious saw their knees weaken, some of them collapsing on the floor, while others recoiled in fear.
    One Piece - I Am A Different Luffy!
    Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague
  • IDontLikeYuri

    Please keep this same energy with Damon, fans and characters in the show tend to dislike the Originals and love Damon, dude is in the same boat as the OGs as far as morals are concerned. One of the worst characters got the happiest ending, it frustrated me soooo much lol.

    Next to them, there are the eternal idiots who are absolute fans of the original vampires and who adore them just because they are Badass despite the fact that they are badass in spite of the fact that they are badass in spite of the fact that they are badass in spite of the fact that they are badass in spite of the fact that they are badass in spite of the fact that they are badass in spite of the fact that they are badass in spite of the fact that they are badass in spite of the fact that they are badass in spite of the fact that theyNext to them, there are the eternal idiots who are absolute fans of the original vampires and who adore them just because they are Badass despite all the atrocities they commit. Personally, I loved the character of Klaus in his writing and Joseph Morgan was clearly a messiah to embody this incredible character. However, I'm not going to appreciate what he's doing just because he's Badass and has good looks, Klaus Mikaelson is a horribly evil being who has killed countless innocents so I can't forget my morals and turn off my brain just because this bastard is Badass and has great screen appearances. 
    Tvd /The Originals : Harper Freed
    TV · The3Entities
  • IDontLikeYuri
    Replied to Leporidere

    "Listens to the readers and writes what they want to read" LMAO, he has gotten the same complaints in EVERY fanfic he has written, he just keeps introducing uncomfortable situations and tries to justify it by using some kind of weird logic. I won't deny that he is an incredible writer, but the whole listening to readers thing is straight cap. I was also once a ptreon member, so don't say that he only listens to those lol. Ein, my bad if you see this, but this was so funny I had to reply, good luck on the story =)

    Beta Testing the Apocalypse
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • IDontLikeYuri
    Replied to God_Doom

    Ok, that's fine for me, it's not them being bi that's the issue lmao, it's just that for some reason authors on here tend to make them join the MCs harem just so they can be with certain girls, most of the time they show little interest in the MC lol. I just got fed up with those, so I avoid all harems with bi characters in them now. Also, thanks for the quick reply! Looking forward to reading your fics!

    Ch -1 Release Schedule!
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Anime & Comics · God_Doom
  • IDontLikeYuri

    Any yuri in this or your Marvel fics? Idk about DC, but Marvel fics with harems ALWAYS make every girl bi just to justify having a harem...Bottom line, I don't like yuri as you can tell by my name, so is there yuri in any of your fics? I wanna hop in, so patiently waiting for an answer. I also see you have exams, so good luck on those! =)

    Ch -1 Release Schedule!
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Anime & Comics · God_Doom