

2023-08-30 JoinedGlobal

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  • RikkiU
    RikkiUa year ago

    The story itself is somewhat interesting but it is marred by inconsistencies. The MC claims that since he's so weak people above him would be able to kill him easily, then he kills someone several realms above him. He's also extremely rude to sect elders to the point where they really should have disciplined/killed him by now, but they magically don't. Money is another thing that doesn't make sense. It's 10 copper to enter a city but 1 gold can feed a family for years? It feels like the author is just making up facts about the world/etc whenever they want without regard to whether or not it lines up with what was previously written. Then there's the way the MC acts. He's mean cruel to those weaker than him for no reason, then in the next breath goes out of his way to help them. It should also be noted that the author is using the fact that he's reincarnated to make him an expert at everything, whether it makes sense or not. Why would he know a very powerful technique that can only be used by a woman? And of course he's also an expert on alchemy despite not doing it himself. The story does have potential, but the author isn't paying enough attention to their own writing to bring it out.

  • RikkiU
    RikkiU2 years ago

    Yet another story with plenty of potential ruined by an author who puts barely any effort into their writing. This comes across as a rough draft written by someone with a very poor grasp of English. It has among the worst grammar & spelling I've seen in any web novel. The verb tenses are also all over the place. Even a simple spell check would be a dramatic improvement. The chapters are also very short relative to most stories. The author would do better to put out chapters less frequently and take the time to improve their writing. Even if the spelling and grammar were fixed, the author desperately needs to work on the writing quality. Thoughts and dialogue are not very accurate to how people actually think and talk. The story itself is almost written as if the author was in a hurry to get past that point. I'd suggest the author spend some time reading good quality writing by various authors, consider what makes it good, and attempt to emulate it. The way cultivation works is presented as an info dump that is then largely ignored in favour of the MC being able to easily defeat almost anyone she fights, even if they are more than twice her age with much more experience and a stronger cultivation. She has barely any experience fighting but defeats people who spend their lives fighting. She then gets tips from others to improve her fighting that make it sound as though her ability is closer to what would be expected of someone with so little experience. So how did she defeat her previous opponents? The story makes it clear she's not a genius and has only the most basic resources at her disposal. The only thing she has is a powerful weapon, which shouldn't be enough to bridge the gap. This is one of those stories I hate to put down because the story itself is interesting, but the writing quality is just so bad I can't enjoy it.