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(Doomsday) The Eschaton

if u guys don't know what eschaton means it is a greek word that stands for the end of the world) One night the moon was dancing as graceful as a flower in the sky the clouds as its audience sways and applaudes and the lightning and thunder roleing and striking consistently in recognition. at that time a man that goes by the name jacob was sleeping just like the rest of humanity unbenownce to them the world as they know it was changeing rapidly growing and expanding about 10× its original size. the animals mutated into ferocious beasts and celestial beings from outer space set there eyes on the planet wasteing no time to try colonize the planet that had just evolved to there likeing. Will jacob and the rest of humanity survive and overcome this eschaton or will they faulter and lose the planet to the celestial beings and mutated animals?if u guys don't know what eschaton means it is a greek word that stands for the end of the world) One night the moon was dancing as graceful as a flower in the sky the clouds as its audience sways and applaudes and the lightning and thunder roleing and striking consistently in recognition. at that time a man that goes by the name jacob was sleeping just like the rest of humanity unbenownce to them the world as they know it was changeing rapidly growing and expanding about 10× its original size. the animals mutated into ferocious beasts and celestial beings from outer space set there eyes on the planet wasteing no time to try colonize the planet that had just evolved to there likeing. Will jacob and the rest of humanity survive and overcome this eschaton or will they faulter and lose the planet to the celestial beings and mutated animals?

DaoistCbB6bR · Fantasy
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