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  • Quilge97
    Replied to Quilge97

    Correction from weak to strong, as I was trying to point out that Hera is stronger than what her domain(s) would suggest.

    Ch 200 Chapter 200
    The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)
    Movies · StarWaves
  • Quilge97

    As for Hera, hmmm… I’d be a bit careful. Despite not being all that strong in a straight fight and not really controlling a, on the surface, weak domain, one of her big domains is marriage so…. I’d be a bit wary. It is also a bit conflicting as one could argue that at least 2/3’s of her actions throughout history could be blamed on Zeus. I’m pretty sure she rebelled against him at least once in the past which is supposed to explain why Zeus has a tendency for paranoia when it comes to his family.

    Ch 200 Chapter 200
    The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)
    Movies · StarWaves
  • Quilge97
    Replied to Slayer76

    Indeed, and it would also mean that she was the one stuck inside of Kronos the longest. I can only imagine how traumatizing that would be on top of everything else.

    Hestia is level 83!? That means her Divine Form would be Level 93! She would wipe the floor with us!
    The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)
    Movies · StarWaves
  • Quilge97
    Replied to Irina_Akashira

    Plus, Hades does get shafted by his brothers quite often, in most depictions, so it isn’t entirely out of character for him to take at least a small bit of vengeance when he can.

    The shadowy form of Hades glanced at me momentarily and then glanced at his brother's miserable condition. "I'm sorry brother. Our triumvirate ends here!" Hades quickly grabbed Poseidon. My eyes widened when he heaved his own brother upwards and threw him directly at me!
    The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)
    Movies · StarWaves
  • Quilge97

    Oh yeah… that’s right. The PJO versions the Olympians have two different forms where their power levels would fluctuate. Their more human forms and then their “divine” forms.

    Ch 198 Chapter 198
    The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)
    Movies · StarWaves
  • Quilge97
    Replied to P_J_Sch

    He was neutral in first one but not the second that happens in canon PJO.

    Ch 197 Chapter 197
    The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)
    Movies · StarWaves
  • Quilge97
    Replied to P_J_Sch

    Well… I’d say the ones that have children are for sure. A few of them don’t have mortal children though if we follow PJO canon. Hestia herself is one such example. Also, ironically… Hestia is also the eldest sibling of the offspring of Kronos if I’m not mistaken…. So by some measure, one could argue that she should ultimately control Olympus going forward, especially as she’s not power hungry considering she gave up her own seat on the Council back in the day (according to PJO anyway).

    Ch 197 Chapter 197
    The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)
    Movies · StarWaves
  • Quilge97

    Strange… I was under the impression that technically Olympus would be Hestia’s since she’s the Goddess of Home and Hearth, and she’s usually tending to the fires on Olympus itself. Also, I still say that Hades isn’t as bad as Zeus or Poseidon. Plus, let’s be real… Dionysus only died because of the chakra rods which does make it true that the whole operation falls apart the moment Layla is in any disposed. In any case, what about the Titans and other forces that are outright hostile to humanity? Sure, a bunch are stuck in Tartarus, but what will if Hades or other Gods of the Dead aren’t there to restrain them? Come to think of it… there’s also Oceanus and other titans who are technically free as well that could be problematic.

    Ch 197 Chapter 197
    The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)
    Movies · StarWaves
  • Quilge97
    Replied to shypunk

    Him and Poseidon were especially guilty of that. And some of the resulting children and/ or partners went on to terrorize the world as some of the most infamous monsters in mythology.

    Ch 196 Chapter 196
    The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)
    Movies · StarWaves
  • Quilge97

    To be fair… even without their nature manipulation activities, the Greek Gods are especially for basically allowing the monsters to freely roam the mortal plane with little consequence. It’s especially damning when it’s monsters who were the result of Zeus and Poseidon’s various infidelities.

    Ch 196 Chapter 196
    The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)
    Movies · StarWaves
  • Quilge97
    Replied to Quilge97

    So’s the Chidori as well of course…

    And he already so many ideas raging around his head. Like for instance, what would a lightning rasengan be? Lightning was all about shocking and piercing a target. So, a drill maybe?
    Naruto: Systematic Shinobi
    Anime & Comics · 0_Jordinio_0
  • Quilge97

    Here’s to hoping he doesn’t just start spamming the Rasengan like Naruto and other folks seem to do in canon. Cool jutsu, but it gets old real fast, and it’s not really all that effective in terms of AOE (even the elemental versions). It’s also a super predictable move by all appearances, so it’s honestly mind boggling him many times villains got hit by something like it.

    And he already so many ideas raging around his head. Like for instance, what would a lightning rasengan be? Lightning was all about shocking and piercing a target. So, a drill maybe?
    Naruto: Systematic Shinobi
    Anime & Comics · 0_Jordinio_0
  • Quilge97

    Interesting… pretty quick too… but then again, I still suspect that these aren’t the real gods. They’re probably mere underpowered copies at best, unworthy foes. Though it sounds like Zeus and the other Non-Greek Gods do remember… a bit suspicious that…

    Ch 195 Chapter 195
    The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)
    Movies · StarWaves
  • Quilge97
    Replied to Irina_Akashira

    What’s ironic about the demigods situation in PJO as well, is that the Greek ones get shafted with not having anything beyond the camp in New York. Meanwhile, the Roman aspects of the same Gods provide their demigods with their own literal small city, called New Rome if I remember correctly. So, the Greek aspects basically have a bunch of kids and then refuse to do much to actually provide for them, but the Romans go so far as to provide for even the families of said Demigods when they get older. Entire demigod families live and die in New Rome with little fear, unlike the Greek Demigods who are usually kicked out of the camp when they get older, if they haven’t already died or disappeared on some repeat quest.

    Ch 194 Chapter 194
    The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)
    Movies · StarWaves
  • Quilge97
    Replied to Quilge97

    Also, kind of surprised that Annabeth and the other campers gave up so easily…. Sure, they know the fight is not likely to be in their favor and don’t generally like the way the Gods treat them (or lack thereof in terms of attention at all), but those like Annabeth didn’t exactly have the easiest time in the “mortal side” either. Annabeth ran away in fact…. Also, it’s toned down at points, but she’s usually a pretty good example of a demigod that, as a result of circumstances, generally look down on “mortals” quite a bit.

    Ch 194 Chapter 194
    The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)
    Movies · StarWaves
  • Quilge97
    Replied to P_J_Sch

    Ah yeah… that’s right. Zeus’ ridiculous punishment on him and forcing him to constantly be a bad influence on the Camp Half Blood kids as well due to not being able to drink at the same time. One could argue that as being cruelty on Zeus’ part since he seems to forgot that his son was a demigod himself at the start. He’s basically all but forcing Dionysus to constantly see his mortal relations (the campers) come and go.

    Ch 194 Chapter 194
    The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)
    Movies · StarWaves
  • Quilge97

    Interesting… though I’m pretty sure Dionysus usually sympathizes with humanity more than the Gods. Afterall, he was born a demigod initially and saw all the times that Zeus and Hera interfered with his life due to their ongoing marital feuds. He even married Ariadne at one point.

    Ch 194 Chapter 194
    The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)
    Movies · StarWaves
  • Quilge97
    Replied to Quilge97

    That also reminds me… what about Marvel Japan? I’m assuming that none of the Japanese Pantheon are present considering they’re lack of action against the demonic takeover. Either that, or they’re even more cowardly than the DxD versions are (leaving only the Yokai like Yasaka to handle matters on the mortal plane).

    Ch 193 Chapter 193
    The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)
    Movies · StarWaves
  • Quilge97
    Replied to Quilge97

    That, and they’ve been essentially letting the Monsters and Wizarding communities run rampant among the normal human populations for years.

    Ch 193 Chapter 193
    The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)
    Movies · StarWaves
  • Quilge97

    Lol, I could totally picture some of the Gods being this way. Also, it does paint an interesting picture admittedly, despite the the rather cartoonish level of stupidity among some of them. What specifically caused these Gods in particular to be seemingly left behind in this side during the dimensional split? Unless… they’re all just shadows of the real ones that Odin was familiar with, and he used the Soul Stone or something to create this false appearance for his side of things (which would explain some of the general weakness beyond the lacking prayers issue).

    Ch 192 Chapter 192
    The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)
    Movies · StarWaves