

2023-08-17 JoinedNigeria



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SILVER FANG : The tale of a white haired wolf

"Even in a world of darkness, a heart of gold can shine brighter than any moonlit fur." ____________ there was a legend that spoke of a rare creature, a werewolf with fur as white as snow. It was said that this creature possessed a heart of gold, silver fangs, and would never harm a soul, unlike its vicious counterparts who preyed upon humans for their own selfish gain. One fateful day, a little girl, no more than eight years old, found herself lost in the heart of the woods. As she wandered, she could hear the eerie growls and snarls of a pack of grey werewolves drawing closer, their eyes gleaming in the darkness. Terrified and alone, the girl huddled in a small clearing, surrounded by the pack of grey beasts. She could feel their hot breath on her skin, their claws scraping against the ground, ready to pounce. Just as she thought all was lost, a flash of white caught her eye. Suddenly, a white werewolf leapt down from a nearby tree, its movements swift and deadly. The creature attacked the grey werewolves with a ferocity that left the little girl in awe. Despite being outnumbered, the white werewolf fought valiantly, tearing through the pack with ease. The grey werewolves tried to stop him, but he was too powerful. In the end, the white werewolf saved the little girl from certain death. As the girl watched in amazement, the white werewolf turned to her and spoke, "We will meet again, little one." From that day on, the little girl never forgot the white werewolf who saved her life. She knew that there was still hope in a world filled with darkness and despair. She knew that even in the midst of chaos and destruction, there could still be goodness and light. When would the white werewolf return to fulfill its cryptic pledge?

Daoistzdgxbx · Fantasy
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9 Chs