

2023-08-14 JoinedGlobal

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  • DaoistwZB8AF

    This author/story started off great but over time the characters as well as the story has become predictable, obvious and boringly stupid. The characters at first reacted to events realistically and now are hard to take seriously because THEY no longer take themselves or anything seriously. It's a stupid roller coaster ride that doesn't make since in a bad way. Sunny hates Cassie because she betrayed him but of course THAT plot only lasts as long as the next chapter lol. Making the events that happen that are supposed to be meaningful, meaningless because all of them are conveniently forgotten in the end. Also, what's with these authors ? Why do they write about characters that are in there teens or 20s seemly romantically handicapped. I mean really ? Relationships both physical and mental is one of the biggest and most complicated things in life. Especially when it comes to life and death and yet a Disney special depicts more of it then these emotionally handicapped authors. I have yet to finish one of these novels. I get it fantasy/fiction but what makes actually compelling is that it's all grounded in some kind of reality. Oh well, I guess the search continues

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree