


Lazy writer….

2023-08-12 JoinedGlobal



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  • SIeepyDreamerr
    Replied to YoungMonarch

    Maybe not, I do just do whatever I want😂

    Not too bad, right? Some Power Stones would come a long way though...
    I'm Flash (DC)
    Anime & Comics · SIeepyDreamerr
  • SIeepyDreamerr
    Replied to Vastoking

    Your not wrong, but it’s like in that one scene, where the black sun was out, and Zuko goes to talk with his father when Iroh was captured. He tells Ozai to shut up and listen, which Ozai promptly did, you could argue that was out of character for Ozai bc of his pride, but these characters are so much more complex then they may seem. As for Azula’s last thwart against the fire, I think it was like her last attempt at regaining her honor/pride from the loss. It’s similar to how when she lost against Zuko and Katara, she was a crying mess, as if she was losing everything bc she lost her value of being the most talented, and also bc she is alone, her pride and strength, seemingly nothing in the face of a powerful opponet such as Asher. So she would rather die, then lose her pride, but of course that was just a momentary lapse in feelings. Like when a burst of emotions come out after holding it in. Probably won’t happen again.

    What do you think?
    ATLA: The Fire Avatar
    Anime & Comics · SIeepyDreamerr
  • SIeepyDreamerr
    Replied to YoungMonarch

    Your right, it seems I didn’t see the typo afterwards, my bad

    As Lucifer's fingers brushed against the small black orb, it trembled and quivered, before slowly beginning to morph and shift.
    I'm Flash (DC)
    Anime & Comics · SIeepyDreamerr
  • SIeepyDreamerr
    Replied to Isaiah_Warner


    "If you win, I'll become your loyal servant, but if I win, you have to provide me information."
    ATLA: The Fire Avatar
    Anime & Comics · SIeepyDreamerr
  • SIeepyDreamerr
    Replied to TyrantTron335

    Perhaps, we’ll just have to see.

    'Sometimes it feels like Barry forgets who he is—the Flash. His potential is limitless and teammates are just weaknesses. But I also understand the importance of companionship. Unfortunately, they're not the right fit for me. Perhaps the future Justice League will be.' He couldn't help but entertain the idea of being the one to assemble them, considering they hadn't been created yet.
    I'm Flash (DC)
    Anime & Comics · SIeepyDreamerr
  • SIeepyDreamerr
    Replied to Anonny_Anonymous

    Your right, they do have some appeal, but like I said before, Team Flash itself will hold him back, not just in terms of potential, but when it comes to killing necessarily. As for Cisco’s breach ability, that can definitely be replicated by Barry, it’d be similar to how Savitar could practically teleport. I never said he’d be alone the entire way, but that the current Team Flash specifically wouldn’t be the best team for him.

    Ch 3 Plan
    I'm Flash (DC)
    Anime & Comics · SIeepyDreamerr
  • SIeepyDreamerr
    Replied to Vastoking

    Your right, I was a bit much, I guess dealing with toxic readers, makes me dislike a reader who has no constructive criticism, but presumes to know better. You say you gave me criticism, but it lacked any substance. How can you say this scene is forced without an explanation/evidence? Cuz Ik for a fact that it wasn’t, but you’re free to your opinion.

    What do you think?
    ATLA: The Fire Avatar
    Anime & Comics · SIeepyDreamerr
  • SIeepyDreamerr
    Replied to AC_BA

    Is that so?😂 I guess your right, it wasn’t a normal response, was it? Next time I asked, let me know.

    What do you think?
    ATLA: The Fire Avatar
    Anime & Comics · SIeepyDreamerr
  • SIeepyDreamerr
    Replied to Pingui0510
    In an instant it reached her position, but with Azula's swift agility she rolled to the left, dodging it.
    ATLA: The Fire Avatar
    Anime & Comics · SIeepyDreamerr
  • SIeepyDreamerr
    Replied to Nyx_Alexander17

    On purpose*

    Fire Lord Ozai's eyes narrowed as he regarded the pair kneeling before him, "And what, pray tell, is the nature of this information you bring before me?"
    ATLA: The Fire Avatar
    Anime & Comics · SIeepyDreamerr
  • SIeepyDreamerr
    Replied to Nyx_Alexander17

    Tbh I don’t have the most stable upload schedule, but I try to do as much as I can once I’m available. I’m doing lemons, and probably not doing a harem, but who knows, maybe in the future It’ll change.

    In a world divided by the elements, four nations thrived: the Earth Kingdom, the Water Tribes, the Air Nomads, and the Fire Nation. Among them, the Fire Nation blazed with ambition and martial prowess, fueled by the flames of war.
    ATLA: The Fire Avatar
    Anime & Comics · SIeepyDreamerr
  • SIeepyDreamerr
    Replied to IgnisPrimus

    Meltdown? I just responded normally😂

    What do you think?
    ATLA: The Fire Avatar
    Anime & Comics · SIeepyDreamerr
  • SIeepyDreamerr
    Replied to IgnisPrimus

    Sure buddy😂😂

    What do you think?
    ATLA: The Fire Avatar
    Anime & Comics · SIeepyDreamerr
  • SIeepyDreamerr
    Replied to Vastoking

    Past life has no revelance on the story now, and most readers don’t care for it. But if you mean his past experiences in his current life, then he will expand on those throughout the story, perhaps through flashbacks, or simple narration.

    Ash smiled down at her, his expression calming. "All I did was relax your muscles," he explained calmly. "All that tension from the fight was making you stiff and you were purely running on adrenaline. So I forcefully removed that adrenaline, and once it was gone, your body just sort of... gave in."
    ATLA: The Fire Avatar
    Anime & Comics · SIeepyDreamerr
  • SIeepyDreamerr
    Replied to Gurnoor_Singh_4533

    I guess it would be a kind of mix, but he’s smart in his own right, so don’t worry, he’ll be a smart mc regardless.

    The thought of doing Hero business alone didn't really worry him. He was confident that he could learn Cisco's computing skills, and Caitlin's biology skills by using his speed reading, and some focused dedication, it wouldn't be too hard. 
    I'm Flash (DC)
    Anime & Comics · SIeepyDreamerr
  • SIeepyDreamerr
    Replied to Vastoking

    Like I said before, their are exceptions and their needs to be a certain amount of heat. No matter how hot water is, it’s still water and isn’t fully comprised of heat, which is why what your saying is illogical, and simply spreading misinformation. And like I said before, please zip up my pants when your done!

    Throughout the four nations, tales were spread about him. Whispers spoke of his ability to to weave smoke with the grace of an Airbender. Others claimed he could shape the very earth itself, summoning walls of molten magma with the sturdiness of an Earthbender.
    ATLA: The Fire Avatar
    Anime & Comics · SIeepyDreamerr
  • SIeepyDreamerr
    Replied to Dissapointed_One

    Your misunderstanding, he was a unique white orb among all the black orbs, which is why Lucifer picked the white one specifically.

    As Lucifer's fingers brushed against the small black orb, it trembled and quivered, before slowly beginning to morph and shift.
    I'm Flash (DC)
    Anime & Comics · SIeepyDreamerr
  • SIeepyDreamerr
    Replied to IgnisPrimus

    I'm not even gonna argue with some of you readers😂 If you really think it's forced, and dislike it, then leave, no one is forcing you to read. Cuz Ik for a fact, that what I'm writing isn't the least bit 'forced', however if you feel so, please do write yourself and do better than me. If not, then zip up my pants when your done!

    What do you think?
    ATLA: The Fire Avatar
    Anime & Comics · SIeepyDreamerr
  • SIeepyDreamerr
    Replied to Vastoking

    I’m not even gonna argue with some of you readers😂 If you really think it’s forced, and dislike it, then leave, no one is forcing you to read. Cuz Ik for a fact, that what I’m writing isn’t the least bit ‘forced’, however if you feel so, please do write yourself and do better than me. If not, then zip up my pants when your done!

    What do you think?
    ATLA: The Fire Avatar
    Anime & Comics · SIeepyDreamerr
  • SIeepyDreamerr
    Replied to Gurnoor_Singh_4533

    Cuz he’s that confident that no matter what he teaches anyone, he would still be stronger. Just call it confidence in one’s abilities.

    Ash leaned forward, his gaze earnest as he delved into the explanation. "You see, people tend to have this misconception that firebenders can only bend fire, but the truth is, we have the ability to manipulate heat itself. And that simple shift in perspective expands our capabilities exponentially."
    ATLA: The Fire Avatar
    Anime & Comics · SIeepyDreamerr