of reading
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Guess the mc was more like Aizen but a siscon at this rate afetr reading 170+ chapter now becauae she always have root in her plan and always already marked what she should do in anyway
Cool using a train to time travel makes me remember to certain masked rider whivh is a comedian instead of good😂🤣😂🤣
Wow took you long enough
Oh you've been making anew book that's why you didn't update a new chapter on the Aron book
Well the stories not bad honestly but the update now is a bit slower or maybe i was wrong maybe the author stopped? Just wanted to tell this story has good potential
Can you make a clone magic for Nick that would be good instead of illusion and too bad you didn't continue this book anynore it was getting fun reading it
Now that was interesting
Ah welcome back mate
Don't sweat it at least you give announcement my man so focus on your exam and study hard mate👍
Oh i see thanks for reminding i forgot what resurrection was meant in the espada arc cause only Ulquiorra said segunda Etapa when he fought ichigo while grimjow said something else if i remember correctly when he enter his human panther form