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In the film The Stunning Spell is depicted as a flash or burst of red, blue, white, or green light.
It’s supposed to be: Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards
True, but he didn’t really practice his bloodline so I didn’t count him
Counting 101: My reply = 142 words. Yours? 145. Hypocrisy confirmed. No wonder logic ‘hurts your brain.’ Numbers don’t lie, but clearly you do.
Hypocrisy? Funny, coming from someone inventing insults to hide how 'butt hurt' they are. If I’m the one ‘crying,’ what’s this wall of text from you? Keep it coming—it’s free entertainment🙃
Wow, so original: 'snowflake' and ‘offended.’ Seems like the loudest person crying about opinions here is… you. Maybe pick up a book. Or, judging by this, any reading might be a challenge. Following your logic, I guess thinking hurts too much for you to try it? Calling someone a ‘snowflake’ while melting down over opinions you can’t handle is… poetic. Irony must be exhausting for you.
But his father was
Even if he tell them What could they do? Prepare themselves? they still would have died. So don’t come here juge a book you didn’t even read the first 5 chapters, if you are so knowledgeable why don’t you write your own and we’ll see
The difference his that he choose if he want to do the mission he was giving, he is not following rules. ( I think) 🤔
Oji-san" and "Oji-chan" both translate to "uncle" in Japanese, but "Oji-chan" is considered more casual and endearing, often used to address a friendly or familiar older man, while "Oji-san" is a more neutral and polite way to refer to an older male, similar to "Mr. Uncle.".