


Writing is a hobby and hopefully will be a career one day. Currently an animation student and am practicing my storytelling skills on here. My writing can be described as silly and goofy.

2023-07-07 JoinedSouth Korea



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Welcome To Ikigai Beyond

"Candles by design burn, and life by design ends. In the meantime doesn't it smell nice?" - Lola Viktor "I have betrayed anyone I ever loved. I know what I did, and I know why I did it. More than anything I want them all back. I don't want to be alone." - Tyde Viktor "I have watched the heavens fall as a child. All of its splendor rained down on us and blessed us with its fertility. The demigods frequented my mothers tent, she was our village whore. I had too many siblings to count and none of us knew of our father. The village elders didn't know what to do with us so he made us follow the shepherds hunt, hoping we would die off on our own." - Dior Vain ************************************** In a world where gods and demons grant powers to those who vow loyalty to them, a war wages between the abyss and the peaks. The oceans have dried up centuries ago, and the vast body of water that once covered 70% of the earth now fills the sky above the clouds. There in the "Oasis", beings known as demigods rule the abyss and its inhabitants, trying with all their efforts to wipe out the human race. Where the deep coral crevice's of the ocean floor left barren by the lack of water are portals that spawn flesh eating creatures from the depths of hell known as ghouls. A mysterious fog has covered this region of once oceans and it has since been called the abyss. The ghouls and the demigods army has pushed humanity to the brinks of peaks of mountain tops. There, they have created a safe haven and floating islands where the most powerful vessels (people who have been granted powers by demons or gods) dwell. This new thriving civilization is called the peaks. Growing up along the coast between the peaks and the abyss has been incredibly difficult for Tyde and Dior. They have both been orphaned due to the war and through unfortunate circumstances, been granted powers of their own. In a sudden twist of events, they are cornered with a choice to side with the abyss or to side with the peaks. Either option seemed hopeless. Why not eliminate them both? [R18+] (For violence and profanity. I don't write lewd content unless it's for comedy)

Vanilla_Chino · Fantasy
64 Chs