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First of all the entire concept has potential, and I really like chapter 9 since it was extremely down to earth: It was good that he didnt just walk off his loss and said meh family is better like most Novels out, heck you could even see the face peel off throught the chapter. needs more chapters.
Its good though it has its cons: First the concept has a lot of potential, its like a twist in the evoulitoan or race changing genre. Though till around chapter 20 it does get a bit confusing at times, but the fighthing scenes are extremely good especially the one in the latest chapter. Also I like The mcs personality, despite being young hes already established values and there seems to be a big backstory around him, also like how snarky and chaotic he is. He doesnt hesitate to use underhanded methods, or kill unless it benefits him to keep a person alive. Also its pretty similiar to Supreme magus in theme, but this time instead of medieval its dsytopian cyberpunk that has a lot of potential thanks to there being a lot more planets and oppurtinity. 4.9/5
Outf everything I have read today, this oney got me confused in a good way,, 9/10 there was a deez nutz joke
Its quite good like how it progresses, the storys decent and theres a lot of potential, there is only one issue I could find which is the dialogue being kinda corny, but somehow its quite a good read. would reccomend
Bro moved in super speed and slapped on the other side too
Well, If you lived a second life and only regained your past memories after 16 years, which life would you act more similiar to?
Giving obama a hug is definetely better
No. I think 10 percent was for the common monsters