


Just another guy you met yesterday...........

2023-06-20 JoinedIndia



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I Will Kill The Extra

"He thought knowledge was power, but knowing the story won’t save him from me." ********** Extra Takes It All! True to its title, that hypocrite really does take it all. Opportunities? “Nah, the protagonist is too overpowered to even bother with them. I’ll take what he ignores—anything for my survival.” A harem? “I just help them a bit with their internal struggles, and somehow they keep clinging to me.” Items? “He barely uses them. They’re just lying around, so I’ll put them to good use.” And yet, that hypocrite keeps whining: *“I’m not supposed to be the protagonist. I don’t want to change the story’s outcome. I’ll just enjoy it from the sidelines.”* *Chuckle* Yeah, right. Somehow, I pushed through that mess of a plot. The other characters? They were decent. Well-developed. They felt real and believable. But that so-called “extra”? He was a walking contradiction. He started out on the sidelines, but gradually got more and more overpowered—until he himself became the story’s villain. As for the ending, don't even get me started. It really felt like the final battle was slapped together based on Authors hormones. The climax didn't make any sense at all, it was just a mess which totally twisted the logic that built up till this point of the story. So, what did I do wrong? I just cursed him a little, that’s all. And to be honest, he deserved it. Then, fate being fate, I ended up in that same novel that frustrated me. But unlike that Extra who cried about being thrown into a dangerous world and all, my situation is genuinely screwed. If I want to survive, there’s only one way: kill the extra. Yes, you heard me right. I won’t stop you, I will straight up kill. As your Professor, I’ll have plenty of chances.

YourAverage_Reader · Fantasy
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12 Chs