

2023-06-18 JoinedGlobal

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  • Jonathan_Dixon_8821
    Jonathan_Dixon_88215 months ago

    While I love this story and can't wait to read about out how Sansa reacts when "horse-face" outshines her in the arts of a Lady (The part I am most looking forward to!); I think the biggest problem people are having with you choosing to have Jon refer to himself as a lord instead of a king in his dealings is the reduction in status it implies. A king is still a king even on foreign soil and is due the respect of his station. Regardless of the fact that he is not "their king" he is still "a king" and thus can still be called "Your Grace, Your Highness, and King Jon" without comitting offense, with only "My King" being disallowed since he is not "their king". In this story, Doran is effectively a territorial governor while Jon is a head of state. By choosing to be addressed as lord by Doran and his vassals, Jon is reducing his status in the eyes of the Dornish from a head of state to a mere representative, which makes things like Oberyn's behavior more likely to occur. When King Jon of Arctica eventually meets with King Robert of Westeros, it has to be a meeting of equals, not an inferior lord meeting with a superior king. Regardless, keep up the good work, I look forward to what happens next!