


Hello, my name is Eli, and I'm not your average applicant. I'm a talented artist to start in part imparted with an ardent hand—I'm a man who achieves all he plans.

2023-06-05 JoinedUnited States



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  • Bibliophillic
    Replied to bratztweaker

    I was born in Marietta Georgia lol. I've never even met a full-blooded Ghanaian.

    Ch 23 The Spider
    ...and there was War in Heaven
    Fantasy · Bibliophillic
  • Bibliophillic
    Replied to bratztweaker

    Well it's very important to me to know where I came from. Who I am, and what I should have been, to value what I have I should also be aware of what was taken from me. I hope that makes sense.

    Ch 23 The Spider
    ...and there was War in Heaven
    Fantasy · Bibliophillic
  • Bibliophillic
    Replied to bratztweaker

    It will never see the light of day.

    Ch 21 Black Wings
    ...and there was War in Heaven
    Fantasy · Bibliophillic
  • Bibliophillic
    Replied to bratztweaker

    It'll have to be another time. I'm writing chapter 47 now.

    Ch 23 The Spider
    ...and there was War in Heaven
    Fantasy · Bibliophillic
  • Bibliophillic
    Replied to bratztweaker

    Well if you're looking to keep secrets, a public comment section might not be the way to go 😅

    A rain cloud has but one natural purpose; to deliver rain. It would be a form of blasphemy to aspire for a creature to hope for anything more than this. For... what could be better than our very purpose, achieving complete fulfillment?
    ...and there was War in Heaven
    Fantasy · Bibliophillic
  • Bibliophillic
    Replied to bratztweaker

    Thank you kindly :>

    Ch 28 The Trail
    ...and there was War in Heaven
    Fantasy · Bibliophillic
  • Bibliophillic
    Replied to bratztweaker

    Dominica, actually. My family was brought from Ghana however long ago that island was colonized though.

    Ch 23 The Spider
    ...and there was War in Heaven
    Fantasy · Bibliophillic
  • Bibliophillic
    Replied to bratztweaker

    Funny you should say that......... 😶 *refuses to elaborate for all time and ever.*

    Ch 21 Black Wings
    ...and there was War in Heaven
    Fantasy · Bibliophillic
  • Bibliophillic
    Thrall heard her shout and hurried over. "What is it, what happened?" He saw the bird no larger than a loaf of bread, which had managed to throw her entirely off-balance, and had to stifle a little chuckle. "What have you found, Xantheaa?"
    ...and there was War in Heaven
    Fantasy · Bibliophillic
  • Bibliophillic
    Replied to bratztweaker

    My mother told me the story like her mother told to her in the islands she grew up. It kind of reminds me of Aesop's fables or the biblical parables kind of story structure.

    Ch 23 The Spider
    ...and there was War in Heaven
    Fantasy · Bibliophillic
  • Bibliophillic
    Replied to bratztweaker

    I will say, though, (and I hope you don't mind my impropriety in saying so, but it needs to be stated) that the gentleman or noblewoman that you referred to before, must be a very lucky individual! I think about any person would love to have the intimate attention of a so-called "manic pixie dream girl;" even if intermittent.

    A rain cloud has but one natural purpose; to deliver rain. It would be a form of blasphemy to aspire for a creature to hope for anything more than this. For... what could be better than our very purpose, achieving complete fulfillment?
    ...and there was War in Heaven
    Fantasy · Bibliophillic
  • Bibliophillic
    Replied to

    Thank heavens.

    A rain cloud has but one natural purpose; to deliver rain. It would be a form of blasphemy to aspire for a creature to hope for anything more than this. For... what could be better than our very purpose, achieving complete fulfillment?
    ...and there was War in Heaven
    Fantasy · Bibliophillic
  • Bibliophillic
    Replied to bratztweaker

    You'll see! 😁

    Ch 21 Black Wings
    ...and there was War in Heaven
    Fantasy · Bibliophillic
  • Bibliophillic
    Replied to bratztweaker

    I'll take your word for it haha 🤭

    Ch 8 Conversion
    ...and there was War in Heaven
    Fantasy · Bibliophillic
  • Bibliophillic
    Replied to bratztweaker

    Oh that's surprising. It was pretty common bedtime fare in my dinner table lol. To answer your other question, I think you misunderstand. African culture is MY culture. It's rare to have lore like that survive the passage of time—and an ocean of separation—so it means all the more to me as a vestige of the land my ancestors belonged. (which is also why I can't bear to see him in an antagonistic role for long. It's the only way he fits though! 😭)

    Ch 23 The Spider
    ...and there was War in Heaven
    Fantasy · Bibliophillic
  • Bibliophillic
    Replied to bratztweaker

    That's a really comforting thing to know. I'm trying my best! I worried since I wrote her to be so avidly consumed by her masculine compatriot it might seem like I was writing a damnified pixie dream girl. 😓 I'm glad to hear it did not seem so egregious a mistake as to confound your notice :>

    A rain cloud has but one natural purpose; to deliver rain. It would be a form of blasphemy to aspire for a creature to hope for anything more than this. For... what could be better than our very purpose, achieving complete fulfillment?
    ...and there was War in Heaven
    Fantasy · Bibliophillic
  • Bibliophillic
    Replied to bratztweaker

    I do so adore vocabulary, and I hope that treasured and rapt fascination carries through with every page of my novel. You will learn many more such words if you stick with me, kid!

    Ch 8 Conversion
    ...and there was War in Heaven
    Fantasy · Bibliophillic
  • Bibliophillic
    Replied to bratztweaker

    She's not the only one 👀

    Ch 21 Black Wings
    ...and there was War in Heaven
    Fantasy · Bibliophillic
  • Bibliophillic
    Replied to bratztweaker

    You should look it up! Anansi is one of my favorite characters in all of fiction, so I had to include him in the tale somehow—Probably because I grew up with it.—I suppose it's not as popular a children's tale for those outside African culture lol. I'm guessing you didn't have any black friends growing up?

    Ch 23 The Spider
    ...and there was War in Heaven
    Fantasy · Bibliophillic
  • Bibliophillic
    Replied to bratztweaker

    Please invite your girl friends! I need to know for absolute certain that I nailed the feminine perspective. It keeps me up at night worrying that I've flanderized my fairest lead. I do so solemnly DESPISE when men write women with shallow character depth, and I would just about die if that were to be the initial impression my narration inspired 😭

    A rain cloud has but one natural purpose; to deliver rain. It would be a form of blasphemy to aspire for a creature to hope for anything more than this. For... what could be better than our very purpose, achieving complete fulfillment?
    ...and there was War in Heaven
    Fantasy · Bibliophillic