of reading
Read books
Oh my god thank goodness!! I can start reading!! 😍
No it’s okay! I understand, it’s just, even if they’re bottoms, they aren’t females. Just as in real life, a child will call their two dads, dad and papa or daddy or whatever, not mom and dad. And the husband wouldn’t call HIS husband his wife, they say “do you take each other as husband and husband” but it’s okay, don’t worry.
Princess? He’s a prince though??
YES EXACTLY!!! IM SO GLAD WE’RE BOTH ON THE SAME SIDE OF THE WHOLE “stop hating on misunderstood characters before you actually learn their past, their reasoning for doing the things they do, and actually see how much of an actual GOOD PERSON and character that character is” BECAUSE IT IS SOOO ANNOYING WHEN THEY JUST HATE, HATE, HATE WHEN THEY DONT UNDERSTANDDDDD now in this point of the story, yeah, i can understand why they hate on him. But when you get further and you actually figure out his motives, his past, his reasonings, and like, building up all of the situations that he’s gone through, and you still hate him???? Nah. I’ve gotta stay away, because I have started such big fights about how Mu Qing deserved so much better from Fengzin and shouldn’t have been bullied by him and basically everyone else (even XL’s guoshi- but as you said, he has his reasons to dislike the common people a bit.) AND THAT HE DOESNT DESERVE HATE FOR WANTING TO GO BACK TO BE WITH HIS SICK, DYING MOTHER BECUSE HES IMMORTAL AND WOULD NEVER GET ANY OTHER CHANCE AND HE KNEW/THOUGHT XL WOULD BE HAPPIER WITHOUT HIM THERE AND ONLY BEING WITH FZ BECAUSE HE THOUGHT BOTH OF THEM HATED HIM. HE ALSO KNEW HE WOULD HAVE HIS PARENTS THERE. LIKE PEOPLE JUSTIFY FZ GETTING A WOMAN PREGNANT AND LEAVING WHEN XL WAS OBVIOUSKY IN A BAD MENTAL STATE BECSUE HE LITERALLH SAID SO HIMSELF, AND HE ECEN THOUGHT HE WAS HAVING HALLUCINATIONS. I mean he loved her, I get it. But they justify that but not MQ trying to be with his mom??!! Anyway- MU QING, QI RONG (?) AND GUOSHI ARE MY MISUNDERSTOOD BABIES AND I LOVE THEM.
Oh I’m already done with it, I just reread it a lot lol. But yeah, I wish we could get books on hua cheng and the villains perpective. Now, svsss has extras with shang’s (the authors) documents that has the villains backstory and his pov of things. Also in Shen yuans memories. I haven’t actually read it though, I just know this from YouTube and reaction videos. But seriously I can’t I think I have an addiction to the villains because they’re just broken, not pure evil. And I love that about them. They have their own character, their own reasons. And the reason I love MXTX so much is that she shows their backstories slightly so you can build on it and realize, they aren’t always the villain. They weren’t always the villain either, and that others were at fault for making them into the monsters they are viewed as by other characters and most readers. But seriously, the main characters always get let off so easily and justified because they’re the main character and they have a lot of trauma to cause it, but they ignore that the villains went through the same exact thing.
And in chapter 167, the jealous ghost king one, he tells his cheng of 4 people who either he is scared of, or trusts the most. He tells him of a secret person (HC) he says he is not scared of hua cheng, only that he counts as the second one, trust. He trusts him way more. So even more proof that Xie Lian is definitely not scared of him lol.
Exactly!!! Sometimes I feel so bad for the villains in mxtx’s books. Shen jiu, jin -I forgot his name-, Mu Qing, and qi rong are just- so misunderstood and I hate it 🥲💔 if they were the main characters, people would think what they did was right, but since they aren’t… they’re hated. Like Wei Wuxian, he did bad things and everyone says “oh that’s so cool” or “ah he’s so hot/cute when he’s like this” or something.
Oh but you were… as you most likely already know lol.
He and my Qing are so misunderstood too 😭
*his husband