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Assemble the council, NunuXD is writing another novel yet again, call the IUEMSF (Idiotic Unemployed Special Forces) to keep track whether or not he drops this one or not, If he does....well, you know how it'll go
Absolutely amazing. Loved the writing style, and it is so much better than your traditional bullshit, this has the suspense and it goes forward in a direction even i couldn't predict, for a bit. The au is also very well written and is extremely interesting to read honestly. Although the update schedule is annyoing...but meh, the author gotta look after his health. Peak fiction dxd, highly recommended.
Keep it up, and plz try not to drop this one like you did with the other three. Plz plz plz plz plz. I remember how sad I was when u dropped the monke king one, so plz dont drop this one
I first started this novel from ch 25-ish. Like, bro who thought it'd reach ch 129 so fast? Though...it's only the 3rd trial and we have a loong wayy to go! I remember I had to stop reading after a certain period of time in the Eminence arc. I still remember in the first trial how you were giving hints on where the second trial could be! Keep up the good work!
I rlly can't trust outsidr anymore. Bro writes a fic, it blows up for some time, then he just drops it. Like man, this is becoming an issue, if u don feel like writing it, just change ur pace and style. Not everyone has to be overpowered in like 5 chaps. Just sayin'
Author, when new chapter? Did ur Covid get well btw?