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wish you luck for the interview
yhh you told me that it also reveals Aerions letter
Really liked the previous one even though it had kinda sad ending. Im only 22 chapter in black lord... hope this will motivate me to continue
Another entertaining chapter, dont break the streak bro And I was thinking of a 'What If' to your story where Aenys get to Valyria and spends like 5-6 years there comes back to Westeros only 1-2 years passed meanwhile Rhaenys get married n he comes backs becomes heir... plots to unify Dorne through marriage between House Dayne they make thm the Lord Paramount of Dorne n Martls are all gone with last woman marrying to head of Dayne
Viserys in next chapter
its really good!!! It is so sad that both Daella and her daughter Aemma died during childbirth. Also Viserys was born in 77ac in canon so is it same here or different as there has been no mention of him.
It doesnt sounds good coming from Alyssa. However, she has to do it thats how things work n it has nothing to do with conquest and shit. One dragon and Eyrie will fall but you need men on ground doesnt matter how you conquer, marriage will strengthen their loyalty towards Targaryens which is a better choice than using JUST fear. Real world example- GENGHIS KHAN
lovely chapter bro, chapters got perfect size and also the pace of story is good not short nor too long. keep it up!
Feel bad for her but hes right about this
Noiceeeeeee, Other fanfics rarely show daily lives of The old kings family...this actually feels like a family unlike moody daemon n viserys