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  • Issa_5084

    Just like Haco’s end times, he was also always sleeping and very forgetful. I guess this is bound to happen, end the story with one of the main characters die in the end after all. I remembered Cane said he wanted to retire early and travel with Iris, guess that ain’t happening too. This story gave me more heartaches than I could ever take. I’ve read and watched a lot of tragic stories, BUT THIS??! I get that not everyone always has their own happy endings. That’s the reality of life, but some of us are not reading to have reality check every minute, every second of it. Author loves prolonging the agony of the characters and readers. Stretching the story for whatever reason. Saying that these are “BONUS” chapters and there is “NOTHING MAJOR” will happen. Bonus for whom??? Which part of Cane dying nothing major??? And last but not the least, how on earth is this a “THERAPY” and apology for the trauma??? By giving us more trauma??? P.S. The author should’ve put reminders or trigger warnings, every time s/he writes something and not cliffhangers. Some of us have anxiety disorder.

    The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter
    Fantasy · i_want_to_sleep
  • Issa_5084

    LIL THING!!!! I knew heartaches aren’t done yet. This really broke my heart. Goodbye Lil Thing 😭 It’s been a long journey, we’ll surely miss you

    The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter
    Fantasy · i_want_to_sleep
  • Issa_5084

    I guess the author is not yet done giving us trauma. There is no happy ending after all. Just a little peace and happiness, then more tragedies and miseries to come. S/he said nothing major will happen, guess s/he’s going back with his/her own words. This is no way called a “therapy” if Cane or anyone else has to die for the nth time. Geeezzz!!!

    The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter
    Fantasy · i_want_to_sleep
  • Issa_5084

    Goodbye Lou… You’re one of my favorite characters. The moment Rei did something to Lou before, I knew there’d be a reason why he did it. He’s transferring his soul to another vessel. And now, Iris and the others had to kill Lou before transferring his rotten soul again. Dang it!!! Why can’t Rei/Decratic just die and be gone forever. He’s taking Iris and the others before he does. Looks like tragic ending is coming.

    Ch 977 THE FINAL BATTLE (43)
    The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter
    Fantasy · i_want_to_sleep
  • Issa_5084

    I knew it! It’s impossible to kill the ultimate villain just like that. How easy for them to kill Decratic, even though they perceived him very powerful??? I also think Rei is the ultimate villain, he killed so many important characters when he used Iris loved ones as a sacrifice. He is also obsessed with Na/Iris, just like Decratic. And Lu is still with Cane, he’s the last sword. His sole purpose is to help Iris kill Decratic before he reunites with Na for eternity. I really hope no one would die in Iris’ entourage. But I’m not holding my breath for that. The author loves to torture the main characters and readers. I have to lower my expectations for a happy ending, so I won’t get hurt that much when this story ends.

    "Have you forgotten? One important thing about Decratic?" Elder Rose raised her head, she stared at Abby with this sadness in her eyes. "You need to kill the real one. You need to kill the real Decratic."
    The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter
    Fantasy · i_want_to_sleep
  • Issa_5084

    Looks like Abby is gonna be a villain too. Or partly a villain. We know how much she loves him and she’ll do everything for Liam. That lack of emotion/reaction is bothersome. She’s insecure with Iris abilities and for having people around her that genuinely care and love Iris. Unless Iris find a way to purify those pillars, more people will die. Iris saw a future with Cane, the twins and Lil Thing. Four to five years before they’ll have peace. So many things could happen within those years. Where are the others in that future? Another black magic sacrifice? Or probably they’ll have a chance to fight but still die in the end. Dang! I’m hating that kind of plot. But I have to get ready because this author loves torturing the readers. I guess there’s no “happy” ending for this story. All good characters die eventually, and villains keep on multiplying.

    Ch 974 THE FINAL BATTLE (40)
    The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter
    Fantasy · i_want_to_sleep
  • Issa_5084

    I don’t think I can ever recover from this. It’s too heartbreaking. So many good characters died for nothing. It could have been more acceptable if the characters died sacrificing their lives in order to save the main characters (Iris & Cane). But not like this!!! It’s as if their characters are indispensable or no value, and let’s just use them as a “sacrifice” for black magic. No biggie. I get that some of them are bound to die, that’s the reality. They are in the middle of a war. But killing them for nothing… dang!!! Even after reading the succeeding chapters, I always come back to this chapter, and I still think it’s not worth to kill them just like that. Amee, the mother figure for both, Grace who heals them and had been there for both pregnancies, Eron & Dyne, the first two guards and have always been proud and supportive to their Luna. 😭 Decratic isn’t the ultimate villain, it’s Rei!!! Or maybe Rei is Decratic himself. Either way, I don’t think I’m spending anymore money. 900+ chapters FOR THIS??? For countless heartaches, deaths, and negative emotions. I’ll just wait for the regular updates and save my money for feel good ones. Or maybe a therapy. I’m reading books because it’s therapeutic for me and I want to be entertained, not give me nightmares and heartaches. I get the highs and lows of the story, but not this tragic!!! It’s tragedy after tragedy after tragedy… All good characters must die and villains will always survive. Might as well just focus the story on Rei and Decratic’s survival story and their evil plans. Now that’s a good story! P.S. I’m not saying this book is not good. IT IS GOOD!!! That’s why I’m so invested in it, and loved the characters. It’s just that, some times I feel like this is more of a torture than a story.✌️

    Ch 938 THE FINAL BATTLE (4)
    The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter
    Fantasy · i_want_to_sleep
  • Issa_5084

    Ethan is one of the most beloved characters in this story. He is more of a brother to Iris than Mason. I was sad when Avid died. My heart broke when the babies died. I got teary-eyed when Haco died. But if Ethan die, I'd be very devastated. He brings so much joy in this story with his humor, antics and personality. If the author decided to kill Ethan's character, I don't think s/he can have another character as funny and lovable as Ethan. He is irreplaceable. I would never recover from that, and I feel like everything would go downhill after. (That’s just me tho) Apart from the two main characters, Ethan and Lou are my favorites. So please Author, if you’re reading this, I beg you. DO NOT KILL ETHAN!!! Please… please… please…

    The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter
    Fantasy · i_want_to_sleep
  • Issa_5084

    Ethan is one of the most beloved characters in this story. He is more of a brother to Iris than Mason. I was sad when Avid died. My heart broke when the babies died. I got teary-eyed when Haco died. But if Ethan die, I'd be very devastated. He brings so much joy in this story with his humor, antics and personality. If the author decided to kill Ethan's character, I don't think s/he can have another character as funny and lovable as Ethan. He is irreplaceable. I would never recover from that, and I feel like everything would go downhill after. (That’s just me tho) Apart from the two main characters, Ethan and Lou are my favorites. So please Author, if you’re reading this, I beg you. DO NOT KILL ETHAN!!! Please… please… please…

    The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter
    Fantasy · i_want_to_sleep
  • Issa_5084

    The story is dragging so much. And the chapters are getting shorter and shorter. We have to wait for 24hrs for 2 short chapters. It’s like I’m waiting for nothing. If Ethan will die or anyone important, and the author drag this too much, then I‘d probably just wait for the regular updates. As much as I love this book, it’ll be a waste of money to buy priveleges and prolonging this is a torture.

    The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter
    Fantasy · i_want_to_sleep