DanMachi: Descent of a Tragedy
A long time ago, shortly before the Gods descended upon the lower world, Zeus spoke with a fellow deity.
"Soon the divine will abdicate their place in heaven; they strive for entertainment in the lower world. However, I must demand that you remain here." The deity was confused, Zeus quickly caught onto his complicated expression.
"Your divine power is far too great. Even if we were to seal it, you would likely become a tragedy to the beings of the lower world." Zeus expanded, understanding his explanation the deity hesitantly accepted the old God's demands.
Soon after this conversation, the gods descended, The Deity was left trapped in an empty husk of the once bustling heaven.
For a millennia the god was isolated and trained in completed solitude... each and everyday he practiced completely suppressing his divinity within his body. The process was grueling. The potent energy he locked within himself eventually began to tear him apart from the inside.
In the end, the pain was only a small price to pay... If his torture succeseeded his divinity would be completely cotained and then he could finish step foot into the lower world without causing a tragedy.
(This is an OC story and a lot of things probably won't be canon since I'm just going for a fun time while writing this story. )
(Also I know Azrael is an angel but for they're a god cuz why not)
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