of reading
Read books
best of the best writing never seen anything like it. The author is truly amazing I have read 3 books made by this guy and they are all superb
don't let me beg you sexpun we understand that your a good writer give me what I want give us what we want
see author ....what ever you call yourself, if you do not upload this chapter 🫥I will kill you okay think about that👿👿👿👺
you people are being one-sided I mean she's running away with his child and his heart that's awful☺️
whyyyyyyy, listen here and listen clear Author-san but if you stop that beautiful relationship from happening I will file a law suit and let's see how eliezer and Jillyanna will end up together see
good stuff☺️
rest well for me I can't bear to see you suffer!!
hii guys so it's not how I exactly planned my posting schedule to be I am bloody sorry for all this but I promise I'll make it up to you exams are the worst am I right
the story was so captivating I certainly hope he does it
why say that?🤨 even though it was written by a seven year old it doesn't give you no shitting right to criticize it I mean if the writer was so young wouldn't it affect his feelings don't be worthless and next time if you see a book and you don't like it look away and don't put down your objectively shitty feelings 😒