


Hi! I'm Matt! And I'm handsome!

2023-04-10 JoinedPhilippines

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  • Patch_Client

    It's an okay chapter. It did okay with introducing the Gabriella as the main protagonist and Vanessa as the main antagonist. I just want to reiterate that you should "show" rather than "tell". It might be quite difficult to wrap your head around that idea but put it this way: both a good person and a bad person has something bad about them. Besides, nobody is perfect. A bad person will deny anything that is bad about them and tell everyone that they are a good person. However, a good person will not accept that there she has done bad things and there are things that people don't like about her, but she acknowledges all these bad things, she strives to improve herself and make it as an inspiration to do good deeds to others.

    Ch 2 The little voice.
    HORNDRAGON: A Deadly Romance Game With The Lost Devil
    Fantasy · PenDora56
  • Patch_Client

    Drop the "'We shall see who laughs last in the end" part. That is unnecessary.

    'We shall see who laughs last in the end Gabriella's hands clenched by her side as she watched Vanessa disappear with her chariot into the busy town.
    HORNDRAGON: A Deadly Romance Game With The Lost Devil
    Fantasy · PenDora56
  • Patch_Client

    You could have included this in her dialogue in the paragraph before this one.

    "You're such a loser! Hahaha!" Vanessa left Gabriella with these words.
    HORNDRAGON: A Deadly Romance Game With The Lost Devil
    Fantasy · PenDora56
  • Patch_Client

    Did she just sing sang the first part of her dialogue? She a total cringe. Ugghh!

    "Yes I know, I know. But that's not my problem." Vanessa sing sang and scoffed. "I also have to remind you that no matter how you please these people, it can never make you the crown princess of Horndragon."
    HORNDRAGON: A Deadly Romance Game With The Lost Devil
    Fantasy · PenDora56
  • Patch_Client

    If I were to write this part I would say: Gabriella smiled at the woman realising that she is just concerned about her daughter, "I understand that you are just concerned about your daughter, and I don't think what she did warrants a punishment." Remember to show more, tell less. If you want the readers to feel that a character is a good person, make your readers feel that she is a good person. No good person says "I am a good person" because good people and bad people both have bad things in them, the difference between good people from bad people is that good people know that there's something bad about them, they acknowledge it, and use it as inspiration to do good to others. Bad people on the other hand, deny anything that is bad about them and tell everyone that they are good people. That's why a lot of bad people are hypocrites.

    Gabriella ignored the woman on the floor and carried the little girl into her arms. "Don't mind your mother who's scared of Princess Gabriella. Doesn't she know Gabriella is not a heartless princess who doesn't care about her people? It seems I have to chastise her for that."
    HORNDRAGON: A Deadly Romance Game With The Lost Devil
    Fantasy · PenDora56
  • Patch_Client

    Vanessa reminds me of those typical villains in latino telenovelas. I bet she likes doing monologues~ haha

    "Bravo! Gabriella. I can see you're trying to please the people again." Came the voice of Vanessa the second princess of Horndragon.
    HORNDRAGON: A Deadly Romance Game With The Lost Devil
    Fantasy · PenDora56
  • Patch_Client

    Who said this?

    "Thank you, my princess! Thank you so much, my princess."
    HORNDRAGON: A Deadly Romance Game With The Lost Devil
    Fantasy · PenDora56
  • Patch_Client

    Okay, that dialogue really sounded sus. Villains typically rub into people's faces that they are the good guys when in reality they are not. And Gabriella here's also going to chastise the woman too?? Okay, well, I do hate the woman but something tells me Gabriella is not the good person that she wants people to think.

    Gabriella ignored the woman on the floor and carried the little girl into her arms. "Don't mind your mother who's scared of Princess Gabriella. Doesn't she know Gabriella is not a heartless princess who doesn't care about her people? It seems I have to chastise her for that."
    HORNDRAGON: A Deadly Romance Game With The Lost Devil
    Fantasy · PenDora56
  • Patch_Client

    This woman!!! I suddenly have the urge to rip all of this woman's hair from her scalp.

    "Anna come here you naughty child." The woman who had been chasing after Anna finally reached the spot.
    HORNDRAGON: A Deadly Romance Game With The Lost Devil
    Fantasy · PenDora56
  • Patch_Client

    Just drop the last sentence. That wasn't necessary.

    Of all the people she healed and remembered she had healed, this one was the only one who came back to thank her through thins and thorns. Describe thins and thorns because running after a horse was not an easy task to accomplish.
    HORNDRAGON: A Deadly Romance Game With The Lost Devil
    Fantasy · PenDora56
  • Patch_Client

    I wouldn't worry too much. I'll just ask the name of the girl and apologise for forgetting.

    "I have healed so many with herbs, and I remember most of them, why can't I remember her?" Gabriella stood and whispered to the guard in other not to make the girl sad.
    HORNDRAGON: A Deadly Romance Game With The Lost Devil
    Fantasy · PenDora56
  • Patch_Client

    Yes little girl, who the heck are you???

    "Do you remember me, my princess?" The little girl Gabriella came to know her name as Anna, asked.
    HORNDRAGON: A Deadly Romance Game With The Lost Devil
    Fantasy · PenDora56
  • Patch_Client

    The little girl wore a gown all this time? Hot dang! Just who is this girl? I am really intrigued.

    Princess Gabriella dismounted from her horse. Immediately she reached the little girl whose gown had sprawled on the floor, gently she took her hands and helped her stand as she saw her mother run towards them.
    HORNDRAGON: A Deadly Romance Game With The Lost Devil
    Fantasy · PenDora56
  • Patch_Client

    You can say: The girl tripped and fell flat on her face. "Anna!" cried the mother of the girl as she tearfully ran towards her. Be mindful of the sequence of events that is happening in your sentences.

    "Anna!!" Another voice called, crying and running towards the little girl who had fallen face flat on the ground when her little feet tripped. It was the voice of the mother of the little girl.
    HORNDRAGON: A Deadly Romance Game With The Lost Devil
    Fantasy · PenDora56
  • Patch_Client

    Guard, relax, it's just a girl. The girl is not capable of killing you on the spot... or can she?

    "My princess, a little girl is after us!" The second guard called out to the princess.
    HORNDRAGON: A Deadly Romance Game With The Lost Devil
    Fantasy · PenDora56
  • Patch_Client

    How long was the girl have been running? I imagine they've been riding like half a mile already lol

    This tiny voice managed to shake the horse carrying the princess on its back. It made its feet screech, causing the guard to be interrupted and the princess to bouncing twice on the horse's back as she fought to regain her stance.
    HORNDRAGON: A Deadly Romance Game With The Lost Devil
    Fantasy · PenDora56
  • Patch_Client

    If the dialogue is interrupted, use dashes instead of ellipses so it will look like "Yes my prin--"

    "Yes, my prin..."
    HORNDRAGON: A Deadly Romance Game With The Lost Devil
    Fantasy · PenDora56
  • Patch_Client

    Fun Fact: Villains don't see themselves as evil, so don't describe her hair and nails as ugly otherwise the reader might think that she is deliberately painting her hair and nails with sewage water. You can say "She painted her hair and nails as if she was a goddess though reality speaks otherwise."

    That sad truth she discovered about herself which will alter her position in the kingdom was not yet known by the king and these people, but her position was taken away from her and was given to her sister who only watched the fancies of the castle and painted her hair and nails with colours that depicts her ugly heart.
    HORNDRAGON: A Deadly Romance Game With The Lost Devil
    Fantasy · PenDora56
  • Patch_Client

    You can say "the call went into one ear and out of the other" instead of "sending the call into and out of her ears" suggesting that she (deliberately) ignored the call.

    The dust from the feet of the horses rose, sending the call into and out of her ears, she was not done with her thoughts to notice this call.
    HORNDRAGON: A Deadly Romance Game With The Lost Devil
    Fantasy · PenDora56
  • Patch_Client

    If you don't want to indicate someone saying this in particular, you can just write: "Princess Gabriella, please wait!", a voice spoke "Anna come back!" said another

    "Princess Gabriella, please wait!"
    HORNDRAGON: A Deadly Romance Game With The Lost Devil
    Fantasy · PenDora56