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  • 4h0

    Review as of chapter 11. Preface: overall, this is a well written Kingdom Building/Historical novel. The author knows many readers of this genre dislike system and brainless game-like map-upgrade. His bet paid off, his novel has its own uniqueness and stand out amongst all these mass produced web novels. It has potential to become a hard cover published book. Character development: the protagonist’s growth was insinuated; although the author didn’t flesh out his development; much can be expected during the reminiscence in future chapters. Political exchange: this is a valuable stand out aspect of this novel; the author gives detailed explanations and thought process of all characters involved, not just the protagonist. There are chapters dedicated specifically for different forces’ reaction after the main plot. Business development: the author draws a big cake… how well he will execute one of the important aspects of this genre, remains for future discussion. As of chapter 11, this aspect is there. Militaristic layout: this is the weaker aspect of this novel. Although the author hides his clumsiness in this aspect fairly good; if this novel was evaluated as just another web novel, this aspect can receive a passing grade. However, personally, I have high hopes for this novel’s possibility; as the aspect that will draw in the most readers, I hope he can read other strategy books and improve this aspect in future chapters.

    South American Empire
    History · Well_In_a_Frog
  • 4h0

    "Death allures him". That alone is an impactful sentence.

    After hearing the news of such a close encounter with the death of his son, he felt like a father that has failed, but at the same time, he could not blame himself after all. His son then went and took over a country with 25 other soldiers. Death allures him, and his son doesn't get tired of luring death.
    South American Empire
    History · Well_In_a_Frog
  • 4h0

    "Even though his resolve for imperialism wavered; the crown prince's victory strengthen his determination again."

    "No no, of course, no. They want justice and a proper explanation for the high ratio of deaths. After all, it is one of the first occurrences where two identical armies completely neutralize themselves, excuse me, but even I am skeptical." The General said with a dignified tone and posture. Bolivar is an avid supporter of imperialism. Even though his resolve for its waves, it is now back firm as before.
    South American Empire
    History · Well_In_a_Frog
  • 4h0

    An alliance without name... negotiators spend a tremendous amount of time coming up with a 'cool' sounding name for their signed treaties. Name plays an important role in stimulate a sense of belonging.

    The other 20 thousand came from Peru, Bolivia, and Chile due to the alliance similar to NATO in the future timeline but way more intrusive and imperialistic.
    South American Empire
    History · Well_In_a_Frog
  • 4h0

    "No harm done; My son was able to win against the forces lead by Paez on his own. His iron-blood conviction of the riches in Venezuela disintegrates the foundation of any resistances the literati have."

    "My son was able to win against the win over the forces of Paez on his own. So no harm was done, plus the conviction of the force from Venezuela was disintegrated just after a battle, showing that the resistance is only based on a false foundation. After all, only united we have been able to take on the Spaniards."
    South American Empire
    History · Well_In_a_Frog
  • 4h0

    It's still early into the novel, but the way author wets his readers' appetite about the protagonist's character development is great. I'm interest in reading how he transform a naive 21st century feminist, who stand up against an influential general immediately after being warned by his father for a maid; to someone, who convince thousands of men laying down their lives for a common cause. Remember author, this is a gold mine; don't left it cover in dust and be forgotten.

    He doesn't mind the slave labour, it is not ethical, of course, but his most prominent issue is that it doesn't move the economy. The moral value of that comes second. The Empire abolished the trading of slavery. Still, they have not banned slavery as a whole. However, they made it so that all people in the realm were born free, meaning that any newborn slave would no longer be enslaved under the Empire's skies.
    South American Empire
    History · Well_In_a_Frog
  • 4h0

    WOW!!! What a contradictory! The protagonist knew his people CAN NOT read... yet still use the communication method for the 'ruling class' as a mean of information distribution. I understand what author is trying to express. But this need to be rewrite. Newspaper as the 'official' seal for the rumors about the Junta's defeated and its occupied capital.

    From a country with approximately 840 thousand people before the war of independence, now of around 790 thousand, only a few thousand could read. And most that was able to read were in the war.
    South American Empire
    History · Well_In_a_Frog
  • 4h0

    Author, your strategic vision is really low. In a standoff, your protagonist just yell out the number of men his enemies are contending against... with all their advantages and possible promotion to a high level for your protagonist's head. JUST WOW!

    "The members of the Junta of…. Venezuela has been captured and charged with high treason. The imperial army of the Crown Prince division met the army of Paez. In a tragic battle, only a few dozen survived… The imperial army came victorious. We don't come in peace; traitors don't deserve peace… Any soldier that opposes the Crown Prince Felipe Antonio Arboleda de Aragon Toro to exterminate all the rebels will be charged with high treason." The man said as he breathed heavily.
    South American Empire
    History · Well_In_a_Frog
  • 4h0

    "Bow! Swear allegiance to me! The next emperor of the Colombian Empire." Not PLEASE!

    "I am waaaay worst. I am human with ambition." Felipe dignified the official with a smirk and a devilish smile. "Please bow to me, the next emperor of the Colombian Empire."
    South American Empire
    History · Well_In_a_Frog
  • 4h0

    "looking at the headless bodies painting the floor a striking red"

    It was a standoff. But with Felipe inside with all the hostages looking at the headless bodies flooding the room floor with blood. Most of them were trembling, and some had already vomited. They were like small chickens that just saw their mom being slaughtered and drained of their blood.
    South American Empire
    History · Well_In_a_Frog
  • 4h0

    This is a mistake, people first reaction is to call GUARDS; not thinking about WHO.

    "The crown prince?"
    South American Empire
    History · Well_In_a_Frog
  • 4h0

    "No matter how genius you are, experience is the only reliance in commanding battle. He is naught, but a kid of 16 years; an age, where even the bravest of all men still study under their father."

    "No matter how genius you are, to command in a battle, you need experience, and he has 16 if my mind doesn't fail me. That battle will be considered won." A newly promoted general said with cockiness despite being unqualified to say that.
    South American Empire
    History · Well_In_a_Frog
  • 4h0

    "Some smiled, but many didn't"

    A bunch smiled, and a bunch didn't smile.
    South American Empire
    History · Well_In_a_Frog
  • 4h0

    "they are expensive relative to the rest of the ignorant population"

    The members of the Junta are all aristocrats of the region, meaning they are stupidly rich people relative to the rest of the people. They represent the will of the ones with money, which is the only will that matters as most of the regular people are illiterate. They are not able to read or write. Then again, that would differ when gender is brought to the table; The Catholic Church states that the only duty of a woman is to serve her husband, so there is no need to read or write, much less do math; they would learn how to stitch, look good and how to cook, anything else was irrelevant. That led to a very ignorant population.
    South American Empire
    History · Well_In_a_Frog
  • 4h0

    Great exchange! A plus for politic aspect and character development.

    "You have a good day!" The soldiers quickly moved their way.
    South American Empire
    History · Well_In_a_Frog
  • 4h0

    "despite being the youngest of us all. He is the leader, who will lead us to glory."

    The Prince is too wise. He speaks the truth despite being younger than me or anyone in the group. He will be the leader who will bring us glory.
    South American Empire
    History · Well_In_a_Frog
  • 4h0

    "He is an emperor we hope for, close to even the like of us. He even partook in the servants job of making the shelter"

    The crown prince woke up. He is stupidly close to us, even though he is at another level of closeness. This is how an emperor should be, like one of us. He also helps to make the semi-permanent shelter.
    South American Empire
    History · Well_In_a_Frog
  • 4h0

    "So yeah". Highly suggest deletion.

    So yeah, unlike The Colombian Empire, the rest of South America has not been liberated. Like all pioneers, the revolutionaries of the Empire were now waging costly wars against the Spaniards, leaving the Empire in the hands of inexperienced soldiers, thus, the high recruitment of people that were not soldiers or would even get the opportunity to get soldiers.
    South American Empire
    History · Well_In_a_Frog
  • 4h0

    "for their participation in the current war!"

    But now, he is in the middle of nowhere, thousands of people he railed up. The army would be more significant if not because they are not in the current war!
    South American Empire
    History · Well_In_a_Frog
  • 4h0

    This is a big minus in the strategic prospect. Logistic is an absolute required branch in all military of any era. Standing army; Logistic support; Reserves trainee; it is extremely rare for an entire army to be destroyed after a fight; not to mention no information was passed back after such... a long period of time.

    The rations for a 10000 army were distributed at the beginning of the campaign, so getting water was the only thing necessary for the enormous armies. After the battle ended, all the rations were in each person, making it a pain to collect them. Moreover, they never really calculated their rations, so most of the soldiers were out of rations anyways; they had to march while hungry most of the time. So yeah, they mostly consumed fresh almonds while they were resting.
    South American Empire
    History · Well_In_a_Frog