An orphan, who imply arose happy but was genuinely terribly crippled. His life was passing with his pain when a sudden incident changes his whole life.......
This incident makes his life more terrible, with that he also gets to know about many unknown facts which he wasn't aware of before, and each fact was more surprising than the earlier one.
A Girl, living happily with her family BUT one day she detect about the truth of her family.
She tries to know more, but she was behind time for that...
She can't do anything except regret herself and blame herself......
Unless she finds out about a truth as....
Girl, who unconsciously fall for a guy.
she was this much shy that she even can't disclose her feeling.....
After a long as she explicit her feeling she also get to know about a awful fact about that guy..... throw which She can't decide to acquire or allowance her love??
Vampire, who don't want to be the one which he was, but he even can't change his self. Even after being a blood sucker, he never discomfort anyone until.......
He was betrayed and was pursuing for his "REVENGE"
This story is a mixture of love, betrayal, Innocence, suffering, curiosity, heartbreak, evil, charm, consideration and many more other feelings.
Esha_Dar_ · Action