

2023-03-29 JoinedGlobal

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  • GoatManofGame
    GoatManofGame7 months ago

    Hi, So, first off, huge fan of the story. As a fanfic writer, I love the world you have crafted and the characters you have created. The pokemon world you have reimagined have exceeded boundaries and ideals I've never considered even as a long time fan of the franchise. That said, I can no longer follow the crimson Gardevoir anymore. The reason being Scarlett and Max themselves. Scarlett has potential to change to be better than what the scientists and even her own kind see her as. Yet time after time after time she backslides and proves she DOES not want to change. As much as she doesn't want to admit she exactly like or even WORSE than the humans that abused her. Not only that, she's a hypocritical racist control freak. Also, her arrogance and ego are painful. She claims Pokemon to be so much smarter and better than humans yet constantly forgets the technology, capabilities, and ingenuity humans in that world possess that have made Pokemon/Trainer relationships a thing. Finally, there's her the innocent blood on her hands that she DEFINITELY needs to pay for. If not physically then SHOW the pain she's caused the parents/siblings/lovers whatever of the people she killed. Instead, you repeatedly have her constantly keep inflating her ego; either by constantly having her dominate unreasonably in battles(Rory battle most egregious example) and by MAX himself validating her ego. Then there's Max. A man so broken and desperate for love he'll side completely with an actual murderer who tortures children to death. I can cut him a little slack, since he's high school dropout that just trying his best to turn his life around and possessing remarkable emotional intelligence and problem solving at times but he NEEDS to put his foot down with Scarlett. Don't just be ok with every terrible thing your lover has done just because the fear of losing any good in his life. At the same time, believing the false perspective that just because him and his team have been through trauma they deserve to be happy now. That's not how life works kid. Coupled with his controlling nature juxtaposed by poor emotional and lack of positive guidance you get a pathetic man-child who was NOT ready for a romantic relationship let alone being a trainer. In short, these two are just toxic codependent self-destructive immature individuals that both sadly deserve but don't NEED to be together. That's all I gotta say. You've been an inspiration in my own writing up until this point. Stay cool wherever you are Fam. PS: I mean to send this two year ago but life and my own writing had me busy I just forgot about it.

  • GoatManofGame
    GoatManofGamea year ago

    An amazing story with amazing, three dimensional characters and an interesting setting. Truly, a monster museum/encyclopedia story worthy of the tag line 'nuff said'.