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  • Worst_Writer69
    Replied to Metalloid

    House Ryswell is controlling good portion west coast of the North and have a formidable army. They are one the main supporters of Bolton in original timeline. More importantly Cregan doesn't want to rule their lands directly. Houses Cregan that wants to provoke are Houses that either might be obstacle or has lands with riches.He wants to use Benjen in future and if something happens to Ned, he would be regent. With Benjen and Ned as subjects he has total control over House Stark.

    I have subjugated Lord Ryswell and uncle Benjen in my 3rd and 4th birthday respectively.
    Empire of Winter
    Book&Literature · Worst_Writer69
  • Worst_Writer69
    Replied to _Alenkar

    Three Daughters will get their own arc after Greyjoy Rebellion. Cregan has many ideas about how to deal with them.

    I can trade with them when i have excess in steel production in future. Now i will sleep so in the morning i can learn answer of Manderlys and Ned expects reply to his request of tax break tomorrow morning.
    Empire of Winter
    Book&Literature · Worst_Writer69
  • Worst_Writer69
    Replied to Mulato_69

    Cregan is not evil for the sake of it but he doesn't shy away evil and cold actions if it benefits him.

    "I am aware. For now nothing he might be useful in future if not we can get rid of him." I say and he nods.
    Empire of Winter
    Book&Literature · Worst_Writer69
  • Worst_Writer69
    Replied to NexIuz

    I probably can but I already used numbers and I kinda have an idea of economics of this world with this numbers. I don't want to confuse people any further by changing things or complicate things much more.

    TLDR: I am using powers vested on me as author by Gods of Fanfiction to justify usage of unreasonable and unbelievable numbers in this fic.
    Empire of Winter
    Book&Literature · Worst_Writer69
  • Worst_Writer69
    Replied to NexIuz

    He will be a monster in battlefield.

    Once i reach full growth and have enhanced strength I plan on wielding my Leviathan Axe with House Stark's ancestral great sword Ice at one hand. I will have enough strength to do that once I drain enough corpses.
    Empire of Winter
    Book&Literature · Worst_Writer69
  • Worst_Writer69
    Replied to NexIuz

    We will have and Olenna Tyrell POV when I release Southern POVs chapter. It will show what she actually thinks with this offer.

    "Send a reply, tell them we can have a betrothal but we won't be giving them our technology and we will not give them our market share in food production. Vale is ours to sell food. The only things they can get from us is alliance and their blood as Warden of the North in the future. We also will wait until I am 10 name days to announce the betrothal. " I ordered.
    Empire of Winter
    Book&Literature · Worst_Writer69
  • Worst_Writer69
    Replied to NexIuz

    Well Cregan doesn't really care about slaves if it is not hurting him. He will exploit slaves in future to his benefit tho. Ironically both as a liberator and master.

    I have increased gold production to its maximum, I have established 4 new steel, factory making it a total of 5, I established iron mines to feed my factories. We even started to export steel products, mainly weapons and armor, to Free Cities.
    Empire of Winter
    Book&Literature · Worst_Writer69
  • Worst_Writer69
    Replied to NexIuz

    I know it is really weird but I want MC to actually fight his wars and this Northern Civil War will be important in establishing Cregan as a Lord and not a green kid to rest of westeros.

    "So you want to stop paying taxes and want us to give out our farming techniques. How do you plan to compensate for this requests my lords?" I asked and all eyes focused on 7 year old me. Who looked like 16 year old thanks to Drain Vitality but still a brat.
    Empire of Winter
    Book&Literature · Worst_Writer69
  • Worst_Writer69
    Replied to monke6

    This my first fic so I don't really want to stick to a schedule that might cause me to post chapters that I am not satisfied with.

    Ch 9 Chapter 8: Year of 283
    Empire of Winter
    Book&Literature · Worst_Writer69
  • Worst_Writer69
    Replied to Bierbart

    I want MC to have a older body because I want him in action during Greyjoy Rebellion.

    So according to information i recieved now. I need to reach at least 18 years of body age, when i will be fully grown, before i can start developing my healing factor and body strength. Right now it takes a grown up body to make me advance 2 month but each body will have a lower impact of growth.
    Empire of Winter
    Book&Literature · Worst_Writer69
  • Worst_Writer69
    Replied to Zetsway

    Yeah I fixed that in next chapters. Sorry about that.

    -Please criticize me ruthlessly so in the future i might just write something readible.
    Empire of Winter
    Book&Literature · Worst_Writer69
  • Worst_Writer69
    Replied to NexIuz

    That is like asking why USA citizens visit Africa. Some people would enjoy visiting different places even if it is relatively backwards to their homeland.

    Valyrian Empire was thousands of years old I refuse to believe few dragonlords didn't visit the North and didn't left few goodies when they visited.
    Empire of Winter
    Book&Literature · Worst_Writer69
  • Worst_Writer69
    Replied to NexIuz

    Yeah I know. It is horrible but I am also horrible with numbers.

    "My lord first 1.000 men strong regiment will cost us 10.000 gold dragons to recruit and 5.000 golden dragons for upkeep starting from beginning of the next year." Ned answered .
    Empire of Winter
    Book&Literature · Worst_Writer69
  • Worst_Writer69
    Replied to NexIuz

    While that might be general behavior of Valyrians there is also people with their own personality that might greatly differ. For example Maegor I and Aenys I had completely different personalities or Viserys I and Rogue Prince. A Dragonlord like Aenys or Viserys might be generous than necessary during thousands of years history of the Freehold.

    There is no more Valyrian Steel or any dragon eggs. Valyrians was less generous than I expected or one of my ancestor sold the gifts to buy something useful.
    Empire of Winter
    Book&Literature · Worst_Writer69
  • Worst_Writer69
    Replied to NexIuz

    They might be very loyal but that loyalty was when everything good between Manderlys and Starks. Cregan intentionally drives a wedge between houses to provoke a rebellion. Besides everyone would chose their own house in the end. It is easy to stay loyal when it is profitable. It is human nature to be selfish.

    "That is the plan Lord Bolton, I want to provoke certain houses to rebel so that I can wipe them out and have an absolute rule in the North." I answered.
    Empire of Winter
    Book&Literature · Worst_Writer69
  • Worst_Writer69
    Replied to NexIuz

    It will be explained in the future.

    Turns out Bloodraven did take it with him when he was sent to the Wall but he didn't take it all the way. He just buried inside Godswood in Winterfell just in front of the Heart Tree.
    Empire of Winter
    Book&Literature · Worst_Writer69
  • Worst_Writer69
    Replied to Metalloid

    It will be explained in the future.

    Turns out Bloodraven did take it with him when he was sent to the Wall but he didn't take it all the way. He just buried inside Godswood in Winterfell just in front of the Heart Tree.
    Empire of Winter
    Book&Literature · Worst_Writer69
  • Worst_Writer69
    Replied to NexIuz

    You will be disappointed, Greyjoy Rebellion will be first war MC will be part of and i want him to become famous in this war. Once MC becomes truly powerful there won't be reason for him to fight in frontlines when his army, which will be more powerful than rest of westerosi armies combined, can do that for him. Besides he needs to be seen conquering the islands if he wants other lords to be quiet about his annexation. It is easier to submit to an 8 year old if you seen him cut down tens of men.

    With Drain Vitality i need to drain, at the least, 200 bodies before Greyjoy Rebellion so i can be strong enough to shine in battlefield without too much worrying about death or injury.
    Empire of Winter
    Book&Literature · Worst_Writer69
  • Worst_Writer69
    Replied to NexIuz

    There are a lot of harry potter self inserts to GOT which i am fond of and inspired from but to honestly Harry Potter magic system is just too op. Even more OP than this story, muggles regardless of their numbers don't stood a chance against a wizard and Harry Potter magic system is too much for me you can literally do almost anything with magic.

    Ch 6 Chapter 5: Winterfell
    Empire of Winter
    Book&Literature · Worst_Writer69
  • Worst_Writer69
    Replied to NexIuz

    Iron Throne don't have revenues other than taxes. An individual kingdom can be much richer than Iron Throne. Especially the North considering it encompasses 1/3 of entire Seven Kingdoms. Filled with possibly immense amounts of untapped resources and to top it all of it has a powerful leader that will advance it centuries in a few decade. 100 million gold dragon will make much more sense when we get to part where we will build Winterfell into the Capital of his future empire

    So 100 million gold dragons is not really that much. Then again this is me guessing without any information. I don't even know how much tax the North pays. So the real cost of the city might be much more. I also will need funds for my other projects like building new ports, roads and also the direct investments like glass, alcohol and steel production. This doesn't even include upkeep costs of everything, taxes i will need to pay, army and navy i will create. I will also need to share or more accurately bribe with my new found wealth both outside and inside the North to earn favors and influence.
    Empire of Winter
    Book&Literature · Worst_Writer69