


Male: 19 y/o Like psychology even though I'm not a psychology student. History perhaps.

2023-03-16 JoinedGlobal

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  • ddasdsadsadsa

    Hello, author here! If you've found my work. Then you're in luck since I'm tired of asking. Before you start reading this story I'll give all of you a quick description of the world that you'd be journeying into. You can't traverse a world that is based on a dream without someone that will guide you even if you don't know the person that help you in your dream. A Guide To This Dream! 1. This story revolves around the real main character which is Mori. The purpose of Mori in this story is to find out who he is and he's purpose inside the painted world that he's trap into when he first woke up from the dark room using a machine strapped into his mouth so he can breathe. He has a so-called friend in the painted world which is the voice that lurks around in the darkest corner of the room. He talks to it every time and befriended it to satiate his boredom. He also don't have any memories that supports his existence and the voice that he's talking to also don't have any information about him since it lost it's memory. Mori doesn't understand any sort of human emotions and to why they need to express such emotions to other humans even though they won't bother what kind of face he would make since there's no one beside him in the painted world. 2. The story scene changes every time as this is in the perspective of a kid that wants to have fun and explore different kinds of worlds. Even though the first volume of the story is solely based on a fantasy world which further be explained in the chapters. The purposed of the fantasy world is to further develop his understanding of life and death and to gain experience on coming into contact to people that suffered from a long time and to the people that choose to kill themselves using the machine to live in a dream. There are many life resemblances in every chapters that explained the life of a kid. 3. There's no ROMANCE in this novel. I further forbid using romance when my character is a 14 year old kid. But if you find something like a romance in the chapters it means something bad is going to happened. It's something like that or there would be a real romance that would actually happened. Who knows? 4. The story emphasize on story building and character development of the main character. The changes to the scenery and the constant repetition of 'Smile', 'Happiness', 'Joy', Sadness' gives a hint to what the world really is. 5. There's no plot armor in this story. If I feel like the character needs to die then I will create an impactful farewell to that particular character that would leave my main character devastated. It's a fun way of traumatizing a kid since I'm basing it to someone. 6. If you noticed that the chapter suddenly turns darker and darker, then that means everyone will end up dying in that scene. Or not? 7. Creating a twist: The twist part is a small but impactful to the perspective of characters and readers. I may not be able to create a scenery inside your head but I will make sure to make you happy with the death of everyone! 8. I am not perfect nor a kind person. If I create a story then everyone would end in a tragic way but in a good way that would make the readers in awe. But since this is my first time writing an actual novel fiction and posting it on this digital world, then I guess I can't compete with others since my level is just the same as my age. 9. I'll accept any criticism to my viewers that would find my novel since Webnovel wasn't really paying attention to a psychological fantasy horror nowadays since they are focus on romance fantasy or harem. But hey! Atleast I created a unique fiction in my first try! 10. And Lastly! This would be my final philosophical quote and last review to myself: "If you really want to hurt the feelings of others, then be prepared for the worst possible pain that you'll experience in the meaningless life you have left. Even though I hurt you in some ways, I'll make sure that you'll savor bits of it in a way that won't hurt you in some ways."

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  • ddasdsadsadsa

    I don't know where this story would go, but I feel it would blow up someday since it has a strong tone for the character developments of different characters. I think I found some grammatical errors in chapter 8, but overall, it was a good read. Hoping for more chapters!

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  • ddasdsadsadsa
    Replied to Katsuo_Eirian

    Its different from aot, but I like how you thought of that. [img=recommend]

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