


2023-02-24 JoinedSouth Korea

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  • DontNoticeMe

    I like that he did this, it shows our protagonist truly knows how to carefully deal with people like Azell. Someone who lived so many lives wouldn’t care they’re apologizing despite not being in the wrong. His apology is necessary to prevent the boy from becoming angrier.

    "You're right, I'm sorry." I apologised as meekly as possible.
    How to Raise Your Regressor
    Fantasy · Anit666
  • DontNoticeMe

    Tried with what? These skinny limbs? With that utterly useless and weak body? Even wit can’t get anyone out of that situation. They’d be starving to death or be killed by the burly men or other monsters in the forest.

    "You should have tried, at least!" He barked.
    How to Raise Your Regressor
    Fantasy · Anit666
  • DontNoticeMe

    Regressors tend to be like that.

    What the fuck? Why is he being so violent even though he saved me just moments ago? This guy has got some serious mental stability issues.
    How to Raise Your Regressor
    Fantasy · Anit666
  • DontNoticeMe

    Reading a protagonist who thinks like he does is refreshing. He definitely seems like someone who had lived through multiple lives and worlds various times. He’s unphased by all these events and is noticeably jaded, yet he still has interesting reactions. I love his sarcasm and the way he ridicules his unfortunate circumstances.

    Ch 1 Spicy start of my 151,897,914th life
    How to Raise Your Regressor
    Fantasy · Anit666
  • DontNoticeMe

    I too would be in a sour mood after ending up in unfortunate lives two times in a row. What a pain.

    I guess I can find happiness if I successfully persevered through them, but I'm honestly not in the mood to do so right now.
    How to Raise Your Regressor
    Fantasy · Anit666
  • DontNoticeMe

    Even transmigrators have standards for the lives they want to live out. A true professional transmigrator our protagonist is. What’s the point of living an unlucky life when he can just snap his neck and eventually end up living a life where he’ll find enjoyment at some point? He doesn’t waste his time and drag things out for too long, thats nice.

    So, in summary, let's just die.
    How to Raise Your Regressor
    Fantasy · Anit666
  • DontNoticeMe

    What an inefficient method. Clearly whoever thought of this execution method lacked brains. They could easily kill the ones abandoned by the gods on the spot if they really wanted to. Perhaps they fear some curse will inflict them upon his death? Even so, that’s so cowardly. If you plan to take someone’s life, then take responsibility! Don’t half-ass the job! Make it work and do it quick. All that strength only to be cowering at the thought of a mere child prophesied to ruin the world… Do their gods not grant them powers to help stop the ones they abandoned?

    Their little play with that fireball had attracted all the nearby monsters to this position. They left quickly because they didn't want to be dragged into my execution, though I'm sure they would return later to make sure that I had indeed died. Exemplary.
    How to Raise Your Regressor
    Fantasy · Anit666
  • DontNoticeMe

    If that steel armour man is considered experienced and leads the rest of these experienced hunters, they probably won’t survive for a long time unless they’re lucky.

    Going by how quickly and quietly they acted (including the steel-armoured man), they were probably experienced hunters.
    How to Raise Your Regressor
    Fantasy · Anit666
  • DontNoticeMe

    Makes me wonder if the monsters that are supposed to be there are the other people abandoned by the gods…. AKA people who just so happened to have black hair. Maybe they dump all these people into this forest and they built a civilization on their own? They could be watching in the shadows and are waiting for the burly men to disappear. However, considering the protagonist transmigrates to the time he is about to experience death… That may not be the case.

    Quite interestingly, for a place that was supposed to be full of monsters, this forest was rather quiet, which upped the eeriness of this place by a notch.
    How to Raise Your Regressor
    Fantasy · Anit666
  • DontNoticeMe

    These guys really won’t give him a break…

    How incredibly rude.
    How to Raise Your Regressor
    Fantasy · Anit666
  • DontNoticeMe

    The protagonist is right. The captain’s just asking to be killed by wearing steel armour. It’s so heavy that it drastically reduces your combat abilities and wears you down. It’s not even good enough to protect you. You’ll be left with something broken if you get hit. Even if you manage to somehow be alive after a battle, a foe can easily finish you off due to the disadvantages you’ve given yourself. The fact this man can even walk and move for a long time in steel armour is incredible, but incredible in a sense that it’s foolish. Never should someone be so careless with something that can save their life.

    First of all, who the fuck uses a steel armour in a forest? If you're that interested in dying then go jump off a cliff or something.
    How to Raise Your Regressor
    Fantasy · Anit666
  • DontNoticeMe

    Stabbing your sibling with a sword is nothing less than normal. How could they think he was trying to kill his sister? It’s totally not like siblings try to kill each other all the time! They’re family, and obviously family don’t go out of their way to poison each other on their birthday for absolutely no good reason…

    I mean, sure, that injury was actually a stab wound made by a sword, but hey, it was just friendly sibling banter; everyone does it.
    How to Raise Your Regressor
    Fantasy · Anit666
  • DontNoticeMe

    There’s a large amount of people in this world who thinks a 8-year-old child is incredibly attractive? I think they should be sent to jail.

    Since she was the eye candy of the ducal house while I was the cursed being who was allowed to live solely out of pity, the odds were stacked against me.
    How to Raise Your Regressor
    Fantasy · Anit666
  • DontNoticeMe

    Children are magnets that attract danger and headaches.

    It also seems that while playing with my 8-year-old sister from another mother, I accidentally fatally hurt her.
    How to Raise Your Regressor
    Fantasy · Anit666
  • DontNoticeMe

    Cowardly gods. They could’ve pulled some strings to prevent his birth or killed him the moment he was born, yet they chose not to. And why are they always making humans do their dirty work? Had they done things themselves they wouldn’t need to worry about the world getting ruined and such. Maybe they’re lazy or don’t really care, but they really make people’s lives problematic.

    Looks like my black hairs mean I was abandoned by the Gods. They believed that my soul was tainted and that I would one day bring ruin to this world.
    How to Raise Your Regressor
    Fantasy · Anit666
  • DontNoticeMe

    Oh no… I can only imagine how many times our protagonist has gone through a similar scenario…

    I opened my eyes, but my vision remained hazy for some moments; it seemed I was either asleep or unconscious before regaining my memories, and considering that I was currently surrounded by burly men, I didn't know what was worse.
    How to Raise Your Regressor
    Fantasy · Anit666
  • DontNoticeMe

    There’s the option of killing her before you go, but then again… wasting your time on her would not be satisfactory. She’s absolute scum.

    I don't want to spend the rest of my life with this dumbass, so I'll just die.
    How to Raise Your Regressor
    Fantasy · Anit666
  • DontNoticeMe

    Same here brother, that world seems like nothing but endless headaches.

    You know what? Fuck this shit, I'm out.
    How to Raise Your Regressor
    Fantasy · Anit666
  • DontNoticeMe

    Benevolent, morally upright… I wonder if that’s how the god in this world is described. Probably after searching through Tess’ memories that must be the case for our protagonist to think this. It leads to many possibilities. One, Lucia could be lying and is using her god’s name to justify her actions. Two, that’s the image the god wants to have amongst their believers. It makes me wonder why Lucia is doing this, if anything doing this will cause her nothing but trouble. Tess is the heir to the throne and killing Tess off would officially cause stagnation in the relationship between the church and the royal family. Perhaps this god just hates the royal family and wants to kill them off but why do so through Lucia, a member of the royal family? Is it because she’s a part of the royal family it’s easier for her to kill her own family off? I’m putting too much thought into this.

    Hmm, yes, that makes perfect sense, doesn't it? After all, only a benevolent, morally upright God would ask you to kill your precious, beloved sister.
    How to Raise Your Regressor
    Fantasy · Anit666
  • DontNoticeMe

    Even if you did steal her lover, she isn’t supposed to have one after becoming a Pope. Popes are vowed to be dutiful towards their religion like a married couple would be to each other.

    Is it a personal grudge? Did I unknowingly steal her lover?
    How to Raise Your Regressor
    Fantasy · Anit666