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No, vealor assumed aemond did not loose the eye after only getting a scar. but as it turns out, scars can worsen and get infected so yeah, he lost an eye.
soon brother, abraxas will come soon
vealor is a dreamer, he can forsee things that happen but they're very difficult to decipher. there are no other cheats he has as you call it, but he is a very formidable foe
Don't worry my man, you're good
A sage question. it's Vealor
This is actually really helpful, believe it or not, i've been kind of sensing this from my writing but I just havent clocked it, i'll try and get better at this in the fututre chapters hope you stick around for it. Thanks again.
No giving up here, my other fanfiction takes up so much time, but i'll releas a new chapter this week. I promise
Yeah, sometimes i say that to make it easier for me to write but other times like you've already seen i try to depict the actual observation of the things with his sensess.
I get that you're angry, im not going to sugare coat it and say this was a good desition from my part but what I do know is that you could stick around and give me constructive feedback so i can produce better stories for you to read in the future. How does that sound mate?
Now that i read back on my writing, it does kind of sound cringy.Though i hope you still enjoyed vealor showing deamon who the boss is