of reading
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They both kind of already know.
He uses illusion magic to hide his purple eyes and his eyes were naturally brown, this is a bit of a spoiler.
Iam sick but there will be updates today.
I think the CCTV cameras were widely used only after major bullying incidents and school shootings particularly in US in the 2000s. In the early 1990s they were not that popular and very few schools used them. And there also have been multiple protests and legal challenges related to school surveillance, saying that it violates privacy and creates a surveillance state and violates privacy,
It's even harder to write, so i only wrote in some places.
In these days, AI was first freshly released, so i wanted to try and use it if its good and those some 10chapters became like this.
His students were attacked but he couldn't do anything or it seemed to others at this time that he was powerless to stop whatever was causing problems in the school.
Yeah, like its after many OC events and after Triwizard Tournament so...
His memories were hidden and blocked by a gray mist and its reason is also described after the 500th chapter, its for plot purpose.