

2023-01-06 JoinedGlobal

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  • DemianCsomicWinter
    Replied to Obsezzion

    that living embodiment of sin (lust) with powers over blood like bloodette gives me shivers Normal version from the show doesn't give finding a way to make blood lewd

    "Blood Quagmire." The pseudopod Bloodette activated one of her skills, turning the pool of blood covering the grass field into a quagmire. 
    Card Apprentice Daily Log
    Games · IGotStones
  • DemianCsomicWinter
    Replied to The_Stone_Age

    yes, you are correct.

    As the dust settled from their triumphant victory over the Goblin, the system notified Akun of his reward—an evolution point. His silver eyes gleamed with anticipation as he received the news. "One evolution point," he muttered to himself, acknowledging the growth it would bring.
    Evolution begins with an ant colony
    Fantasy · Zurbluris
  • DemianCsomicWinter
    Replied to The_Stone_Age

    Faro's plague is the nickname of line of machines made by something Faro that went rogue do to "glitch" destroying world less than like 15 months if i remember right, comes from a game called zero Dawn horizon. though theirs got to be some fanfiction out there based around Faro's plague, look up Faro's plague machines called Horus, corruptor and deathbringer they are awesome though I always thought just three unit models seemed stupid for someone smart as faro should of at least added air and water units too seems like a oversight

    As the dust settled from their triumphant victory over the Goblin, the system notified Akun of his reward—an evolution point. His silver eyes gleamed with anticipation as he received the news. "One evolution point," he muttered to himself, acknowledging the growth it would bring.
    Evolution begins with an ant colony
    Fantasy · Zurbluris
  • DemianCsomicWinter

    if it's blood rune ability eventually mc should be able to get it as well maybe with help of bloodette to find the rune trait or alternative the blood rune trait linked to calamity seeds is actually this trait not linked to mcs third form?

    "..." I was not as enthusiastic about the outcome. Because solving the mystery behind Cortney's mutated ego gem did not bring the result I was hoping for. I was hoping that solving the puzzle to Cortney's mutated ego gem would help me understand rule affinity better and deduce a way to gain rule affinity. In the end, it turns out all of it was for naught. 
    Card Apprentice Daily Log
    Games · IGotStones
  • DemianCsomicWinter

    i wonder if mc can replicate this situation maybe not for himself but for hers soul gem daughters?

    No, I did not think of the possibility that Bloodette consuming Cortney might have resulted in this sight. As that is not possible because of the soul pact card, Bloodette could never harm Cortney. But I think that somehow Bloodette's involvement in Cortney's ego gem formation has something to do with this unexpected miracle. 
    Card Apprentice Daily Log
    Games · IGotStones
  • DemianCsomicWinter

    I'm just imagining 50~100 mechs each with unique designs, each having different combinations possible each. combinations for , from two mech fusion forms all way to full 100 Mecha fusion into one allowing for high degree of different tactics and strategies for different situations just three mech combinations all for 50x50x50 up to 100x100x100 possible combinations so much so they may never show every combination. and add in ability to add new Mecha to group and growth ability so new forms will be possible later. though this level of Mecha and Mecha fusion would probably be for MCs own forces

    Considering Luna wanted to create an Army equipped with mecha cards. Then she would order at least 50 -100 mecha cards. Regarding the payment, we haven't talked about it yet. But I have made it clear that I wish to be paid in terms of broken runes. I was yet to receive a payment for the beast mecha cards I created for the demonstration. I did not bother to ask Anna for the payment because she had already given me six broken runes. I am shameless, but when it comes to someone I own favor to, I try to be genuine. That is the least I could do. Because if not for Anna's gift, I could not have been able to stage my death against card emperor level assassins or won first place in the tournament. 
    Card Apprentice Daily Log
    Games · IGotStones
  • DemianCsomicWinter

    I am drooling at idea mc making a Faro's plague like Mecha and multiple horus's can fuse into bigger creation

    "Yes, The MegaMorpher can get taller. I have designs for mechas that are 230 meters tall. Why do you ask? This particular MegaMorpher is 70 meters tall. Is it not enough?" Rune Mecha cards were my newfound passion. And I was not planning on stopping experimenting on them with just the Beast Mechas and MegaMorphers. I had other designs planned. And once the deal with the royal family was set, I was planning to introduce various models of mechas to Luna for her army. Since she brought it up, I did not mind sharing the designs earlier than planned. 
    Card Apprentice Daily Log
    Games · IGotStones
  • DemianCsomicWinter

    I wonder what happens if mc adds array abilities to his Mecha cards too combining best of both worlds

    "Old man, stop comparing your diddly array cards with these Monsters of metal. Each one of these things is like a war god. Arrays are helpful, but they are not as badass as these metal giants here." Anna respected both the Array and Mecha fields, but there was no denying that Mecha's were more awesome and super cool. Just looking at them in action made her blood boil. It has been a long time since she has been this enthusiastic about something. And she did not want Lorenzo's whining to spoil her fun. 
    Card Apprentice Daily Log
    Games · IGotStones
  • DemianCsomicWinter

    and if each mecha team has multiple Mecha cards they could exit 75% damaged Mecha into a fresh one while also acting as storage and guardians for the extra mechas till new pilots are found and trained.

    The critical point of this card is that it is an Item card. An item card that meets all the needs of the card apprentice. This single item card has weaponry, armory, and physical reinforcement. Equipping this item card is equal to equipping 3 or 4 item cards. 
    Card Apprentice Daily Log
    Games · IGotStones
  • DemianCsomicWinter

    fiery hairball?

    7. Flame Meteorite: the mecha shots a giant ball of the flame ball into the sky, and under the influence the gravity, the Flame ball defends as Flame Meteorite. 
    Card Apprentice Daily Log
    Games · IGotStones
  • DemianCsomicWinter

    maybe mc can add a secret feature later that turns the card Mecha card users into calamity daughters ? perfect secret army hidden in plain sight as someone else's army

    Splitting the 60 tons of alloy equal between the three mechas, 20 tons, I created three power suits as tier one, Exoskeleton armor as tier two for each of the three mechas. Obviously, the animal-shaped giant mechas will be the third tier. The whole tier-one -Power suit, tier two -Exoskeleton, and tier 3 -Giant mecha were stored in the small origin core on top of the ring that displayed the icon of their respective beasts. Then I morphed the rings into three different mecha cards. Finally, I was successful in completing the creation of the three animal-shaped mecha cards.
    Card Apprentice Daily Log
    Games · IGotStones
  • DemianCsomicWinter

    I hope Wang joins, but after this experience, i think he makes people lost to insanity and in straps and foam walls, look most sane and stable beings

    He logged into Bilibili, searched for the person's Bilibili account, and saw the signature in their profile stating, "Wang Say Games, accepting rants about bizarre games."
    To ascend, I had no choice but to create games
    Games · Pigeon by the Window
  • DemianCsomicWinter
    Replied to libio

    I Hope he never, never, nerv makes school games. it makes any accidental horror game he makes look weak

    Hopefully, there would be no disasters this time.
    To ascend, I had no choice but to create games
    Games · Pigeon by the Window
  • DemianCsomicWinter
    Replied to dear_insanity

    how horrific (for males, most men died while women and children got priority)

    In Mrs. Fang's dream, Mr. Fang and she were playacting aboard the Titanic, spreading their arms on the deck and shouting, "I am the king of the world."
    To ascend, I had no choice but to create games
    Games · Pigeon by the Window
  • DemianCsomicWinter

    though I might be wrong, I'm glad this story gives original work not just reskin or better versions of original in novels though they are fine so long as story around them is good, like one i read on different web where mc is Eldridge being running a gaming cafe thing in universe that had mix of marvel and DC, this story is just refreshing

    Ch 21 Chapter 21 The Next Preaching Topic_1
    To ascend, I had no choice but to create games
    Games · Pigeon by the Window
  • DemianCsomicWinter
    Replied to libio

    a real galaxy wide battles with complete high amount of options even ability to make their own technology using systems rule systems, this game could be used for when MC makes a game file size of normal games, there's battles on planets always to galaxy vs galaxy wars think of command and conquer each player is a commander with full customization of their factions with more accurate costs both money and materials or what ever faction uses for resources and different faction use different resources some use cm fusion other use negative emotions as resources and more ?

    Under the recommendation of Wang Say Games, thousands of players purchased and downloaded the game, then experienced what is called real-time space travel.
    To ascend, I had no choice but to create games
    Games · Pigeon by the Window
  • DemianCsomicWinter

    mc gained... a reputation

    "I checked the name of this game, Princess Dungeon; how come the naming taste is so poor? Oh, it's by Fang Cheng, then never mind."
    To ascend, I had no choice but to create games
    Games · Pigeon by the Window
  • DemianCsomicWinter

    i wonder if mc will hire other immortals and other interesting employees such as demon gods or other types of supernatural beings ones that isn't cultivators nor Mana based?

    Ch 8 Chapter 8 Set Up a Studio_1
    To ascend, I had no choice but to create games
    Games · Pigeon by the Window
  • DemianCsomicWinter
    Replied to AlphonseDarkshield

    potentially was reprogrammed to think like a cultivator and being really old just build over time drowning out the mortal side by 1 to one billion+ in difference

    "Midnight Bell" — if the protagonist knew Palm Thunder, then the moment the antagonist crawled out, a single Palm Thunder would take them out.
    To ascend, I had no choice but to create games
    Games · Pigeon by the Window
  • DemianCsomicWinter

    i shiver at what this cultivator, finds as horror probably true Eldridge beings and more?

    Chapter 4 I Want to Make a Horror Game_1
    To ascend, I had no choice but to create games
    Games · Pigeon by the Window