

2022-12-25 JoinedGlobal



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  • Demigodnick

    i loved the beginning of this and I read the other comments before reading this and thought hey maybe they just didn't like those types of characters but let me tell you they are right boy oh boy are they right the story takes a huge nose dive during the academy arc and I just can't with lith for the love of god at one moment he's this kid with an adult mind that tries to get his hot mom and sister to have sex with him and then he's like I'll just act like a child because that's how my mom likes me and then he just factory resets his mind it seems and does nothing worth my time to read. The author did say that this is his first novel and he was tryna be different and try things out but let me be clear you don't try multiple things out in a story all at once that's the recipe for trash and whilst the story isn't that yet it feels like it's becoming that and that's saddening honestly, also lemme rant about sumn that pissed me off and just doesn't feel right at all lith who was a normal human at one point gets tricked by his annoying dragon teacher and doesn't get angry which is sumn that he developed after being re-incarnated from what I can tell but then expresses surprise when his mom asks him if he wants a harem when he's literally having sex with her and his sister he already has two girls so whats one more stupid characterization if you ask me and also the author dump info on the reader through lith all the time but then lith goes surprised Pikachu when anything happens in the story like I didn't know that wow c'mon man.

    Vampire's Slice Of Life
    Fantasy · SocialHippo
  • Demigodnick

    tbh the concept is pretty good but the characters omg the fairy makes me want Alt-F4 istg and the main character just panders to her stupidity so much it actually annoys my soul now I won't say the story is trash or anything as the author rights decently except for what I can only describe as him adding in paragraphs of flavor text when he can just say what needs to be said in a simple sentence but if you don't like clingy girls and edgy yandere obsessive for no reason girls with braindead supposedly overpowered main characters do not pick this up.

    Vampire King's Harem
    Fantasy · LamenThief
  • Demigodnick

    This story is actual garbage written by a chunni author and has what I have to assume is a self-insert mc who doesn't utilize the literal op blessings he got in the world instantly and became a lazy sack of shit who has nothing to write home about and the author literally can't describe anything to save his life and places a bunch of unnecessary references to anything and everything that will make you think this story isn't supposed to be taken even a bit seriously hence the first sentence. The mc doesn't seem to have really grown in any meaningful way to where I've red it and is still the chunni self-insert that he was in the beginning maybe I should up the stars for consistency? lmao, don't waste your time on this and find something more worthwhile to read honestly. me reading this:

    Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son
    Fantasy · Harlyboy
  • Demigodnick

    Has anyone actual red this or is web novel just trying to boost my self-esteem, so I feel motivated to write more, please someone comment I'm begging.

    Ch 2 Into the depths
    Forced to have red hands
    Action · Demigodnick
  • Demigodnick
    [After you complete this daily quest for 10 days in a row while eating Body Enhancing candy every day, you will achieve a perfect human male body below the 1st realm of the power spectrum]
    Rebirth: Tyrant's New Reality
    Fantasy · LivingVoid
  • Demigodnick

    i would just alter reality so she feels pain instead of pleasure

    However, he didn't want Merina to feel good!
    Rebirth: Tyrant's New Reality
    Fantasy · LivingVoid
  • Demigodnick

    Niiiiiiieeeeeeeennnn let bro do his arts and worse with tyrant in the title

    But if that was not worse, he was not even allowed to pursue Arts, which he was best at! Instead, his father forcefully admitted him into a mechanical engineering college.
    Rebirth: Tyrant's New Reality
    Fantasy · LivingVoid
  • Demigodnick

    Preemptive 5 stars because I know I'll be writing an amazing story. Please feel free to comment on the chapter if you feel something is off, and you'd like to suggest a fix for it.

    Forced to have red hands
    Action · Demigodnick