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the way the author has written this book is just perfect. The way he makes his character evolve to suit his need of a trigger happy character makes the readers believe it. As a bonus, no pesky flashback explaining his background because the author uses his character's actions and thoughts and one can understand where the character is coming from. Overall, good character creation and good story build so far.
If you think about it, all the great vampires are just pedophiles, from VD, Twilight and, I say this while hating myself, Klaus Mikaelson. So, even if I do agree it is quite not right, we have all been shipping this kind of relationships for a long time, no need to start voicing your disagreements here
All I'm gonna say is I hope you don't change WWednesday's programming to a point she is completely different person. The thing we love about her is her personality.
I got caught up with Xmas, new chaps on Tuesday
I forgot to add this. So apparently he had a nth metal ring and one of the effects was to give the wearer the ability to fly while augmenting them strength.
Chap 7 just for you.
La Encantadora is not an OC, she is actually a really powerful illusionist that can make real illusions. She tricked Superman that an illusion kryptonite she created was actually real and he even had the symptoms of Kryptonite poisoning. That's just how stupidly powerful her illusions are.
One to two chaps a day
I hope you stay unhappy, it's doing wonders to your creativity