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  • CMDR_Palps
    Replied to MyghtXD

    It is as Velar says. However the main thing that Van is after is the force ability that Nomi Sunrider can teach him. A variant of Force sever that can only be used by those who are MASTERS at using Battle Meditation. Through using this ability van can directly KILL the midichlorians within someone's body, effectively cutting them off from the force permanently.

    A Force ability that can literally change the flow of battle in an instant.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps
    "Statement: Yes holographic image of my former master and my creators secondary mate. It is I, HK-47." HK spoke. "Query: Are you perhaps malfunctioning? Statement: For that is the only reason my thought matrix can generate as to why you asked such a pointless question."
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps

    Kashyyyk would be a devastating loss to the republic, it holds strategic value that's not easy to replace. This is why the CIS constantly tried to take it in the past. Within the Qiilura Sector is Ord Mantell which houses a Black Sun outpost. by interrogating them you might be able to force the crime Syndicate to extinction or at least retreat to Hutt space.

    "Not officially by I have heard we are in informal talks with both the Qiilura Sector and even Kashyyyk. A fact which I trust everyone here will keep to themselves." She spoke.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps

    Iridonia is the Initial home world of the Zabrak. Very tough and Fiercely independent. Dorin is the homeworld of the Kel Dor, the species that Plo-Koon is part of, unlike their somewhat unfriendly and aggressive Gand and Torgath relatives the Kel Door are more peaceful. The Deadalis Sector is a great addition because of all the hyperlanes it possesses, the republic really isn't going to be happy about this.

    "Right now you are knight Sunrider." Gallia added. "On that note I should mention we've got some new additions to the alliance. Iridonia and the entire Glythe Sector. As well as Dorin and the entirety of the Deadalis Sector."
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps

    Ah, yeah I suspected he'd show up at one point. This guy didn't trust the clone army and made his own militia force. It's only natural that he'd join up with the GSA.

    Rahm Kota.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps

    Master plo is someone you for sure want in the field he not only gets the job done but values the lives of his men possibly more than himself.

    Her former master Plo-Koon.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps

    They're basically Space A-10s in a sense.

    [Image Here]
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps
    Replied to flys36

    There was a species called the Langhesi who once came to the planet after escaping their slavers. My guess was that in return for allowing them to live on it, Sekot asked them to create it a Hyperdrive. It's probably the largest and most advanced hyperdrive to ever exist.

    We then found a good position in space at a safe distance from the planet, and HK-47 and I watched as Zonama Sekot activated its planetary hyperdrive system and started sailing through space.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps
    Replied to Gabbu_Xul

    Darth Rorn would have still been creating the CIS movement on the orders of Sidious in the background. it's about to be a 3 government free for all basically.

    For the Galactic Systems Alliance had finally entered the game.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps
    Replied to CMDR_Palps

    And you know Even after The Galactic Empire as defeated. The then Chancellor Mon Mothma wanted to immediately get rid of the military IIRC. Goes to show that Even after the clone wars and the galactic civil war, the republic didn't learn ANYTHING. At the very least, Luke Skywalker in legends fixed the jedi order into what it needed to be, not what the republic wanted it to be.

    "It truly saddened me upon learning just how the Republic I admired and the Jedi Order I served became so weak and stagnant. It was not like this back in the time of the Old Sith Wars. Back then both the Jedi and the Republic would've never dreamed of getting rid of their military. That I think is the height of foolishness of this era. For no matter what there will always be war, and you must be prepared for it. Yet in this era I fear, no I know if a threat such as Exar Kun and his Brotherhood were to appear none would be capable of standing against them. Yet the Jedaii Order means to work to stand against such threats. Which is why I have chosen to join them." Odd Bnar explained.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps

    "I took a nap until Van's friends basically tripped over me."

    "Greetings." Master Bnar began. "I know this comes as a shock to a great many of you. But I can assure you I am master Ood Bnar. As for how I am here before you today, it is quite the interesting story." He said.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps

    "You must learn to let go of everything you fear to lose." ~ Yoda. Honestly this advice, while good, wasn't the right thing to say to Anakin.

    "Master Dooku speaks the truth." Van said. "Emotions do make us vulnerable, but they also make us stronger. Hate, jealousy, and envy are all simply the opposite of love, admiration, and self-sacrifice. Just like wirh Jedi and Sith emotions are two sides of the same coin. Besides, some of the greatest Force users in history have had attachments and it has worked on their favor. Ulic Qel-Droma returned to the right path because of the remorse and guilt he felt in slaying his own brother, Cay. This in turn led to the downfall of one of the most dangerous Dark Lords in galactic history, Exar Kun. Revan and Bastila Shan's attachment to each other played a big part in helping bring the Jedi Civil War to an end, and spawing a line of some of the most powerful Force-sensitive's in history. Whose actions saved lives time and time again. My own ancestor Nomi Sunrider was an adult and married before she began her Jedi training. Yet she became one of the most powerful and well-respected Grand Masters the Jedi Order has ever seen. Master Dooku has a sister which he loves very much. While I have two lovers, a mother, and a grandmother I care about. Yet despite this you don't see me nor master Dooku going insane. These examples prove that attachments are not dangerous. What is dangerous is not letting go of attachments when the time comes. Like if someone you care for oases away. It would be unfair, but hanging onto them to tightly would only cause you pain. So you must learn to let go. Or else you might end up down a dark path. That is why the Jedaii Order will acknowledge and accept those with attachments into our ranks. Whether it's those with lovers, friends, or even their own family. Oh and speaking of family, unless the situation is dire we of the Jedaii Order will not separate parents from children and force them to live as members of the order their entire lives." He spoke.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps

    My guy really doesn't understand just how much danger The Grand Plan and he's in at the moment. The Grand Plan basically required all of the Jedi be in "One Place" in order for order 66 to efficiently kill them off. Not only that but it also required that the whole galaxy be under his rule But now most of the targets of order 66 are out of the clone's reach within the Jedaii order, not only this but numerous worlds have dipped the kriff out. He can certainly establish his empire more easily, but he'll immediately have to contend with a real war against the enemies he sought to ambush. And with the GSA coming into play soon. Dude should be sh*tting bricks.

    "You are forgiven." Sidious replied. "But do not make the same mistake again. And as for your question none of these Jedaii, as they call themselves, could ever wield the power we do. Trust me, they are nothing but nuisances like the Jedi. They are no threat to our plans. Of that, I am certain." He spoke.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps
    Replied to mauthin

    A lot of Mundi's fanatical views on the jedi order can be blamed on his Master, An'ya Kuro. She has a very, unique, way of teaching the ways of the force. Her specialty was training troubled padawans. While she was not Ki-Adi's Master officially, she still trained him for some time and was the one who spoke and instilled into him Jedi philosophy. Teachings that Mundi took VERY seriously to a fault.

    "Safe your words Sith. For I have not come to talk, but to end your tyranny before you can even truly begin it." Mundi replied.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps

    Mundi has to go eventually, but he has to be the one to strike first and give you an actual reason to do so. Since the cat is out of the bag, assassination attempts against jedi like Mundi is very risky. A certain CIS cyborg general may call you a 'bold one'.

    But not letting my reason and common sense falter, and ignoring the whispers of the dark side in my mind saying 'Do it', I shook my head.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps

    With the clone wars fast approaching, it may be unavoidable at this rate. Especially with Jedi like Mundi, Tiin, Piell, and Mace Windu running about. It was always in palpatine's plan to have the jedi general the clone army and since we already know that war with the GSA and the Galactic Republic is Inevitable this means the Jedaii and Jedi were always going to come into conflict. Palpatine will be the one to benefit from it because of more dead Jedi and Jedaii, at least initially.

    A decision I really hope does not end with another Jedi Civil War.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps

    Christ reading this again, it almost sounds like he's mocking her. No wonder his former padawan A'sharad Hett eventually goes on to become Darth Krayt. What a terrible person.

    "Enough, the both of you. Why cannot you not see it? This Jedaii order is dangerous." Mundi spoke. "And Master Plo Koon I am suprised you are so venehmently defending the actions of Van Sunrider. Considering what we now know about the boys, it's obvious he tempted and manipulated your former Padawan, Yennali Fonemys into leaving the order. First with the pleasures of the flesh and then with the dark side. Van Sunrider must see the girl as nothing but his play thing. Poor girl." He said.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps

    Man reading this reminds me that Yaddle is still alive, she should've been dead by now. Praise be to butterfly effects. Definitely didn't deserve her fate. So much potential, snuffed out. Honestly, though she was loyal to the council she gave off this aura that she somewhat knew the jedi were going through a very bad rough patch.

    "Yes, but acting quickly and rashly out of fear is not the Jedi way." Yaddle responded. "Besides, we have no proof Van Sunrider and those with him have done anything to put innocent lives in danger or cause war. Should we attack with them without cause I fear the consequences will be grave."
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps

    Shaak Ti is one of the more scary Jedi with her cold personality. However she does have a soft spot for the clones. As for her strength, she's on the Jedi Council for a reason being particularly skilled in lightsaber combat. I don't think she approves of Van and the others touching the dark side, but she's one of those jedi who won't interfere unless they need to be put down.

    Shaak To said nothing.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps
    Replied to Mcluvin786

    The Jedaii order is more or less established, they've got their main HQ on Ossus which is nearing completion in construction. This also includes defense platforms in orbit. It should be safe enough to tell the council who aren't likely to spill anything about it aside from their own members within the order. By extension this'll reach the ears of the Coalition members who Van is likely targeting specifically, this'll tell them "It is time." for them to leave the Jedi and join up with him.

    "Look I am not saying the dark side is easy to handle. But with training or can be done. Which is why I and my allies have started studying it, while also maintaining our studies of the light. For we seek balance. Hence why we call ourselves the Jedaii Order." Van spoke.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever