

2022-12-05 JoinedGlobal

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  • BadMonkey313

    Finally the war is happening

    Hilda said grimly, "They have taken your friends inside the kingdom. They are Krymon's men." Alice and Aliyah looked at each other and punched Hilda in the stomach. Hilda said weakly, "We have no other option but to fight them." Alice said, "I think it's good only. If they want to fasten things up then, I don't see any problem." Aliyah punched Alice on the head and said, "What good? They have taken this step with careful observation and calculations. They perfectly know our strengths and weaknesses and we don't even know their one weakness. How can we fight them?" Alice said, "I don't know, but I have faith in Mother Manaca." Aliyah said grimly, "Only Mother Manaca can do something now." Hilda said, "I will talk with the army and get them ready for the war." She climbed her horse and sprinted away, as Alice and Aliyah looked at her going with mixed emotions...
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • BadMonkey313

    The Spear:

    Alice stopped near an old tree and her glance fell on a young girl playing with a snake. The snake was quite beautiful and looked venomous from its head structure. Alice wanted to ask her the reason but quitted the thought on realizing that they are awkward people. She searched for Elena and Trisha, but found them nowhere. She wanted to ask Aliyah but she was already quite angry with her and she didn't want to get any scolding from her. She tightly grasped her heart, where the Blood Spear was and tried to pull it out. Alice soon realized that to pull the spear out, she needed much more strength to pull it out and also it drains too much strength out of her body. She stopped halfway and then pushed it back inside, but that action was equally painful. She fell on her knees and fell on the ground face first. Surrounding Shinigano people looked at her, but decided to ignore her. Alice raised her head and slowly and weakly asked for help, but no one could understand her language. The sudden displacement of the spear created a sort of disturbance around her and her slow and weak voice equally contributed to it. After some groaning and panting, the same young maiden came near her and picked her up and took her to a small rest house.
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • BadMonkey313

    Even Gods have bad apples between them.

    Mother Manaca couldn't do anything and banished him from heaven and turned him into an old and poor beggar. Kappa suffered much humiliation and soon begged for forgiveness from Mother Manaca. But, she was helpless and couldn't help her brother. Kappa died with much humiliation and pain and turned into an evil ghoul and started torturing and raping young girls. Mother Manaca took the form of a young maiden and when Kappa tried to attack, she thrusted her spear in his chest and destroyed him in every form. Kappa begged for forgiveness and redemption and Mother Manaca turned him into a purple stone and buried him in the womb of the earth. When, Mother Manaca turned her essence into the spear, her brother escaped from the trap and tried to kill Mother Manaca, but she trapped him into a mace and buried him in a secret place."
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • BadMonkey313

    Uncommon name? What a joke.

    Alice was sitting near the mantelpiece, chewing a piece of bread and sipping tea, when Hilda came from behind and tapped on her shoulder. At first glance, Alice startled a little but then gave her a warm smile. Hilda looked at her and smiled, "You are Mother Manaca's choice, aren't you?" Alice nodded in approval. Hilda sat beside her and asked, "What is your name, dear?" Alice replied sweetly, "Alice Cooper." Hilda smiled, "A little uncommon for us, but a nice name." Alice asked, "Why do you want to kill your own brother? Shouldn't you be saving him?"
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • BadMonkey313

    The story is still developing and has some rich qualities in it. The story has a definitive course of action and the negative characters are slowly yet more likely to conquer the best of the story. The main villain, Xao Chang is still not introduced but his hype is getting bigger and bigger with everyday. I hope the story gets bigger and bigger day by day.

    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • BadMonkey313

    Not a good soldier, but a perfect leader

    We are here today as a family. A family, which might be diversed, but not divided. Our goal is not different nor is the path. Our enemies won't kill us differently nor we will fight them any different. We have our own strengths and weaknesses, but together we have no weaknesses. I cannot promise that we will win the war, but I can promise that we fight with all our strength, mind and soul. Our enemies think they have won the war, but they don't even know that the war has just begun. I don't know what Mother Manaca has seen in me, but I will die to keep her honor and fight till my last blood of my heart for you."
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • BadMonkey313

    Another Maester gone too soon

    He smiled and walked away. Elgin fell on the ground screaming with pain as the arrows were poisonous and the poison was slowly rotting his flesh and nerves. He looked at Maester Taylor's dead body and vomited. Maester Taylor's neck started rotting and his eyes started melting and his face slowly melted and his facial bones started to appear. He looked at his thigh and slowly his senses started to fade.
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • BadMonkey313

    So, basically all of King Alacapa's children were flawful, boy drunk, elder daughter stupid and young daughter a psycho

    Your father never trusted Tammy and Jammy for they were treacherous and greedy in nature, but there no one else who could become the king. King Alapaca's only son was a lousy and drunk gambler who never touched one scroll of the Ancient Library nor did ever attended a meeting or tour of the kingdom. Aliyah's cousins were good but the war snatched their lives from their bodies and in the end it was Tammy or Jammy. But, soon a third person came into the scene. The son of Grand Viceroy, Robert de Silvuscus. He was both able and kind hearted person and was the perfect man to be King Alapaca's successor. But, their also appeared a new problem. Robert wanted to marry Aliyah's elder sister, Camilla who was pregnant with Frostbite's child at that time.
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • BadMonkey313

    Krymon, the evil Johnny Sins.

    Krymon was lying in the hot bath tub filled with rose water and expensive soap. Two young and beautiful female elves were massaging his arms and one young elf was gently giving him a blowjob. Krymon looked at the young elf and smiled, "It's not so easy to make me cum, harlot. I have laid many women before this dick." He pushed her face hard against his dick and pushed the dick deep inside her mouth. The elf started beating his hand repeatedly and then Krymon released her and said, "Come here, harlot." He pulled the elf towards him and started licking her breast and then threw her away. She landed on Sir Lysander's feet and he gently pulled her up and gave her a pouch full of gold coins.
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • BadMonkey313

    It was a truly roller-coaster of emotions, friction between the protagonist and antagonist, jealousy, competition and a true reflection of the world.

    The Night Before Death
    Action · Rakib_Hassan
  • BadMonkey313

    The amount of intimidation Krymon put on Tammy right now is reminiscent of Charan's intimidation on Vivek.

    Krymon patted his shoulder and said softly, "Bad things happen all the time. Incest, treachery, regicide all are something every large empire has to go with. But, the person who can easily dodge these misfortunes and retaliate in time is the true king. Strength respects strength and justice demands execution, Tammy. Jammy has to die." Tammy said angrily, "How can you say such thing to me? He is my brother and don't forget how many times he has saved your people from the guards and helped flourish your smuggling business." Krymon said, "I don't understand these feelings, Tammy. He disrespected both our clans and cheated on my sister for some old hag. In our Orc tradition, we cut the dick of that person and throw him in a well full of venomous snakes. I'm giving you four days to locate your scum brother and present him before me or else I will locate him and drag him to my valley and you won't be able to see your brother for one last time." He gave a wicked smile and went away. Tammy looked at him going and fumed in anger and stormed away towards his room...
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • BadMonkey313

    Tammy has no respect for his wife who has suffered so much due to his scoundrel brother.

    Sir Lysander said, "The mob is getting more furious by the absence of a proper clarification speech. I must not recommend it, but a public appearance may calm the mob for the time being." Tammy asked, "Did you get any news about my brother's whereabouts?" Sir Lysander replied, "No, my Lord. Sir Jammy was last seen in the outskirts of the Orc Valley, but afterwards, he was nowhere to be found." Tammy said angrily, "So, that rascal has ran and hide in the Orc Valley." Maester Taylor said slowly, "We shouldn't blame Sir Jammy for it. Verona was a well known pervert and slut, she has been seen with many younger boys than Sir Jammy." Tammy said grimly, "I know that. But, that shameless woman was my mother in law and Sophia's mother and I cannot overlook that fact and Sophia won't. She wants Jammy getting hanged before the City Council and my reputation getting tarnished severely in front of my subordinate kings."
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • BadMonkey313

    😈😈The Bad Egg Returns

    From the start of the world, a battle between the good and the evil forces has been perennial. Thousands of innocent people has sacrificed their lives in order to imprison the mighty demon, Xao Lin and after many years of tormenting wars and enormous bloodshed, the tribal people of Manacan have succeeded to imprison the evil soul of Xao Lin. All the people overjoyed as they enjoyed the freedom from him and his bloodthirsty army of evil soul demons. There were celebrations and happiness everywhere as the Manacan people placed the urn inside the tomb and sealed it with numerous holy threads and then finally buried it deep inside the hell from where he came from. But, little did they knew, that Xao Lin's evil apprentice, Xao Chang has escaped and was waiting patiently for the Red Moon to avenge his master's death and bring back his soul from the depth of the Earth.
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan