Just someone who got bored of reading other people's stories and decided to write his own.
of reading
Read books
Yeah, I kind of forgot about her. But I plan on having on giving the side characters many more POV chapters next volume. This secon one mostly focused on Sera, Bea, and Vicky, but a lot will change by the end. I'm not entirely sure when I will continue DOTG. Currently don't have time for both books, and I also felt less people liked the series. For this month it will definitely stya on hiatus, but I'm definitely planning on continuing, and soon enough you will realize why.
He has dark brown hair, and yes they will have a child.
There will be yuri later on, but not for a while, so understandable.
Oh, I meant Lilith and Adam. They are both 17, while Faith is 24. So, there is a pretty big age gap.
Maybe, I haven't decided yet, but there's a high chance. Also, Faith and Adam are still underage, so nothing will happen before that.
Thank You for reading and enjoying my book, and don't worry, there will be yuri!
No, you are hundred percent correct. I named her Scarred Sera without any hidden intentions. I just needed a way to differenciate the two, and since she had a bunch of scars on her face, I named her that. Also, Scarred Sera has all of past Sera's emotions good and bad, it's just burried under a lot of trauma. What Hollow Sera has are past Sera's rationality, and her mind, her way of thinking. Scarred Sera acts much more emotional, since she isn't rational at all. I also tried hinting in previous conversations, that Scarred Sera still has love for both Vicky and Bea, she just doesn't understand how she should act. She also hates her other half, which makes do irrational actions when around her. And last, I agree with the statement that Hollow Sera different from past Sera. She has no memories or past emotions connecting her to Bea. Her feelings for Vicky was much more dominant though, they were closer even before past Sera lost all her memories, that's why her rational self could feel some surface level emotions around her. I know breaking up wasn't necessarily the right word, since Hollow Seta was never together with Bea, but from Bea's point of view, she is still just Sera. She never truly understood the changes in her, and that's why she felt betrayed by Sera. In reality neither of them are right in the break up, and everything could've been resolved peacefully if they communicated better. Anyway, sorry for the long rant and hope this answered all your questions.
No need to apologize, and I do understand where you are coming from. It's also a bit strange for me, since unlike you I know where the story is going, or at least have an idea of it. I also hadn't realized how bad everything would sound without full context, and knowledge of the future. Anyways, thank you for reading and commenting. Happy Reading!
Thank you, that's one of the conclusions I wanted my readers to realize.
Okay, I ignored your previous comments, but now I had enough. First, you previously condemned Sera's actions, because of what she did in the past two years. Might I remind you that she still has no memories of anything happening before those two years, and even during that time she got killed and tortured nearly daily. She used got drank and had sex daily, since those were the only times she could actually feel something other than hollowness. Second, I wanted to showcase Sera's hypocrisy, because I think I made it obvious that she chose Bran before even learning about Bea's 'unfaithfulness'. She just used it as an excuse, so she didn't have to reject Bea. Third, I do think its interesting to give characters more depth. Bea as a character needed independence, while Sera's character needs growth, which will only happen in the next volume. Fourth, a bit more spoiler. Sera and Bran won't be together in the next volume. I'm a beginner writer, and I'm writing a story I would want to read. I only uploaded it, so other people might enjoy it as well. I know the first volume was awful, but I feel like I improved a lot as a writer in the past few months. I appreciate any feed back about my writing, and it's okay you don't like my choices within the story. What I don't like is you criticizing, without any constructiveness to it. I understand, you don't like where my story is heading, but if you care about the novel, then say what you don't like, and provide a better alternative. But, if you truly think my novel is so bad, then drop it. Nobody is forcing you to continue reading.