

2022-11-17 JoinedUnited States

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  • Awesome_sauce2433
    Awesome_sauce24332 months ago

    Why isn’t he Secretary of the treasury?

  • Awesome_sauce2433
    Awesome_sauce24334 months ago

    Hello, Arthur I've been following your story and lately I'm so annoyed by the ridiculous actions of the marvel politicians. Why cant we have Bruce Wayne run for the presidency. I believe they did this in a dc and it will be funny when Bruce is president and starts giving orders to SHIELD or roasting the corrupt people in MCU by using his presidential powers

  • Awesome_sauce2433
    Awesome_sauce24334 months ago
    Replied to eternal_flame

    Well the government is brining him into the world of politics lately. Also it was a suggestion. As Plato once said “ qualification for a leader is to not want to be a leader”

  • Awesome_sauce2433
    Awesome_sauce24334 months ago

    I was wondering, maybe Edward can become the Vice President as a way for the US gov to reconcile with Edward and his supporters and since he as become one of the richest men in the world. If Edward is elected VP he can also help bring a huge amount of young supporters and a fresh idea to the White House. Also there could be Jack Rayan scenario. In the Ryan book version Jack Ryan becomes VP however a horrific incident a occurs and Ryan is thrust into the position as President of The United States and he has to save the world and maintain peace. I just thought it would be interesting because there is no word on who the VP is and it would interesting on peoples reaction on Edward becoming the most powerful man in the world

  • Awesome_sauce2433
    Awesome_sauce24334 months ago

    I was wondering maybe he can become a short of Jack Ryan type of person. Becasue in the book version of Jack Ryan, he becomes the Vice President and then a horrible attack occurs and then he becomes President and was able to have a successive term. The reason why I suggest this is that this a way how the US gov can reconcile with our main character and also gain huge number young voters with our main character becoming the vice president and there could be a Jack Ryan or a designated survivor show incident and then our character becomes the most powerful man in the world and has to save the world by leading his country

  • Awesome_sauce2433
    Awesome_sauce24337 months ago

    You should do the "This is Brazil" with the justice league. Because we know that they will try to take him in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRwF_cB8hvg

  • Awesome_sauce2433
    Awesome_sauce24338 months ago
    Replied to Awesome_sauce2433

    It would be awesome if he used his fame to run for mayor or govenror. And maybe you can crossover with Parks and Recreation

  • Awesome_sauce2433
    Awesome_sauce24338 months ago

    Can our boy run for governor. You can do a crossover with Parks and Recreation as well.

  • Awesome_sauce2433
    Awesome_sauce24339 months ago

    Also I wanted to add that even the US politics have had the same situtaiton. Bill Clinton won the election for example because of George HW Bush's economic policies which had angered the people and also the third party had really divded the unity of the Republicans. Same here with the Sky Marhsal for traitor on Mars. She has divded the unity of the military and the people. This will be a perfect opportunity to politiciz on her eventual beterayl and we can capitalize on how the people are tired of incompent and lying sky marshals and it was thanks to our protagonist that they have a victory and we can use to gain position of Sky Marshal

  • Awesome_sauce2433
    Awesome_sauce24339 months ago

    This is another reason why there should be no civil war. Because we will have the poltiical and popular support that the Sky Marshal craves for. The reason why the Sky Marshal was willing to destory Mars was because she wanted political and public support in order to further increase her power over the Federation. It would be karmic, funny, and ironic that we gain everything she gains because once we reveal are treacherous ways, we can use this momentum to get rid of all who opposed us and gain the power of the Sky Marshal for ourselves. She is literally giving us power and victory on a silver plate