



2022-11-11 JoinedBangladesh



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Bangladesh is an independent state in name only. Enemies within the country are the biggest subject of subjugation for a country. The time was 1971. Bangladesh became independent in name only. The traitors were planning to destroy Bangladesh from within. One by one they finished off those who conducted the great liberation war. This brutal massacre continued for several years after seventy-one. Seeing these dire conditions in their own country, some youths became eager. They were brave freedom fighters and guerilla leaders. They had a big team. But when they saw the Razakars going in groups and taking freedom fighter certificates, they did not step on that path. They stay hidden. No one knew they ran a guerilla group. The year was 1976. A few months ago, the most scandalous incident happened after the liberation war. 15 August 1975 in English Census. And another is 3 November 1975. The assassination of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur and the assassination of four national leaders in jail. When the whole country is busy with depression and fear about these issues. At that time a ten-member youth group was busy discussing the issue. These ten youths are engrossed in discussions on how to bring the country on the right path and how to prevent traitors and external enemies from the country and how to deal with them. Suddenly a young man stood up and said, -If we form a secret organization. And if we stop all these actions secretly, how does the matter stand? The other young man thought for a while and said, "It's good." We can secure our country. What is the name of the organization? Then the young man said, I have already ticked the name! "The Blind" means, BANGLADESH LEGAL OR ILLEGAL NATIONAL DEFENSE

Jabed_Hossain_Emon · Realistic
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