

2022-11-01 JoinedGlobal

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  • Kevin_Lears

    What makes me love this novel is that it is not a simple read. Though it has a lot of funny scenes in it, the plot of this novel is NOT about the following: 1. Amy becoming a successful person after quitting her job. 2. The love story between Amy and Jin Ho. 3. The feud between North Korea and South Korea. 4. Jin Ho's identity. 5. Fighting bad guys. All of these are not the novel's main plot. Rather, after making a detailed analysis of this intelligently masterminded novel written for geniuses, I have discovered that the plot is about the main characters (Amy, Jin Ho, Virel, Jin Ho's uncle and Agent Ko) denying an organization known as the Secret Army, from achieving their goal; which is to reunify South Korea and North Korea into one powerful nation and use its joint power to take down the world's ruling power, that is, the Anglo-American world power and become the world's ruling power. If you doubt me, read the novel and make your personal analysis of it. If you think you have a better analysis of this novel, you can bring it onboard. Nevertheless, the author has ensured that this storyline unveils in a mysterious and puzzling manner which I personally love. For instance, the novel begins with a general love story, then gets mixed up with an unexpected fold of events which might discourage one from reading the novel. During this stage, the author seems to take out those who are average readers from those who are analytical readers. After this sorting has been done, he then continues the story by slowly unveiling the truth behind the many mysteries. So if you are an impatient reader, you will be fooled by the author for your hastiness. Hence, my advice to you reading this review is to take your time and grasp the story. Once you have, you will realize that it is super interesting and better than your thought it would be.

    My Billionaire Hero
    Urban · KayLee
  • Kevin_Lears

    How dare he touch her butt!

    "Hey! You pervert! Let go of my butt!" I exclaimed, causing alarm. Everyone in the bus turned around to see who it was.
    My Billionaire Hero
    Urban · KayLee