

2022-10-12 JoinedAustralia

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  • Loraine_Michael
    "For appearance sake." Winking at her, he walks over, gave her a lingering kiss, and pat her on the ass.
    Submissive Affair
    Fantasy · Penegrine_Paul
  • Loraine_Michael

    Amber is kinda not fully aware of the situation they're in

    He kisses her head and whispers, "I love you, and I'm sorry I scared you, but I would break if anything happened to you."
    Submissive Affair
    Fantasy · Penegrine_Paul
  • Loraine_Michael

    At least drop a note by the bedside

    "Hi, I'm sorry I didn't wake you when I left, but you have been driving so much and looked exhausted. I figured if you hadn't woken up with all the noise I made this morning, that you really needed to sleep."
    Submissive Affair
    Fantasy · Penegrine_Paul
  • Loraine_Michael

    Olivia won't be comfortable with a man for a while

    "Baby, can we talk out here in the hall?" He nods his head in Olivia's direction and raised his eyebrows at Amber, letting her know that I know Olivia would not be comfortable with me in her room. She sets Alex down and he runs to his mom right before Amber steps out and shuts the door.
    Submissive Affair
    Fantasy · Penegrine_Paul
  • Loraine_Michael

    Where is Amber?

    Rolling over to grab for Amber, he felt cold sheets as his hands come up empty. His eyes flies open in alarm to scan the room, and he finds himself alone. He jumped out of bed and throws on last night's clothes, trying not to panic. Maybe she just went down to breakfast. What the hell time is it anyway? Grabbing his watch off the nightstand, he groans, 10:05 am damn! He haven't slept in this late in years; why didn't she wake him? He heads straight downstairs and into the dining room and froze. A man a foot and a half taller and at least twice as wide is dwarfing the sweet little old woman, who is the owner of the B&B.
    Submissive Affair
    Fantasy · Penegrine_Paul
  • Loraine_Michael
    "I want you to know that you are very brave for getting out. No one should suffer any kind of abuse, and I'm sorry that your son had to see it."
    Submissive Affair
    Fantasy · Penegrine_Paul
  • Loraine_Michael

    That must be terrific

    She looks so sad. I want to hug her and tell her things will get better.
    Submissive Affair
    Fantasy · Penegrine_Paul
  • Loraine_Michael

    Awwwwwww, so cute

    "My name Ax."
    Submissive Affair
    Fantasy · Penegrine_Paul
  • Loraine_Michael

    Little boy has manners xoxo

    She looked at him and he just gives her a clipped nod. The little boy looks at his mom as if for permission. She nods her head and mouths sorry to us.
    Submissive Affair
    Fantasy · Penegrine_Paul
  • Loraine_Michael


    Like an order she has no will to defy, her body instantly melts into his side. Tears leaks from her eyes and soak into his skin, but he made no move to push her away, even though she was getting him wet, and not in the good way. After a minute of letting her get her bearings, he slowly pulls her up to his body, tilts her head back, and presses his lips softly to hers.
    Submissive Affair
    Fantasy · Penegrine_Paul
  • Loraine_Michael

    what is Amber doing

    Amber raises her both hands up while moaning really loud to the gentle stroke of his cock. The pleasure made her hole to become fully wet again for him. She licks her lips severally as she watched Troy drilling into her from beneath. Placing her both hands on his chest, she begged him to go faster on her. Amber felt a huge cum gathering inside her and will explode out at any moment.
    Submissive Affair
    Fantasy · Penegrine_Paul
  • Loraine_Michael
    The way he says her name is as sexy as when he calls her Baby. She shatters on demand, grabbing at his wide shoulders, throwing her head back and wailed her release. He keeps moving, sending little shocks through her clit. Her wetness coats his shaft, but she was so sensitive that she had to lift up a little to get her bearings. He took that opportunity to position his massive cock at her entrance and stares at her, waiting for her to make the first move. He needs this from her. He needs to know that it is her choice and not some messed up version of sexual coercion he has going on in his head.
    Submissive Affair
    Fantasy · Penegrine_Paul
  • Loraine_Michael

    15 is out guys

    Ch 14 Unending Weep For The Abyss
    Submissive Affair
    Fantasy · Penegrine_Paul
  • Loraine_Michael

    Submissive affair is the perfect book for winter season. Unlike so many other books out here with bad grammar structures and poor arrangement and writing skills, you could tell the author of this fine book is sure a native English.......

    Submissive Affair
    Fantasy · Penegrine_Paul
  • Loraine_Michael

    How dare you

    "Don't move, Baby. I'm not going to last, and I want to make this perfect for your first time."
    Submissive Affair
    Fantasy · Penegrine_Paul
  • Loraine_Michael

    that must have been a terrible accident

    "Can you tell me where I am?" Her voice comes out in a scratchy whisper from non-use in I guess six days, but he hears her. Troy pulled his head back to look down into her eyes. An urge to press her lips to his full soft ones overwhelms her, so Amber quickly cast her eyes down. Hopefully, hiding thoughts that are probably written all over her face. When he places a calloused finger under her chin to lift her face to his, a shiver races through her body. His smile hints that something is funny, but only Troy is privileged to the joke. However, none of this is funny to her. When she starts to pull away because she's getting angrier by the second, he senses her irritation and begins to tell her of her crazy story.
    Submissive Affair
    Fantasy · Penegrine_Paul
  • Loraine_Michael
    Rushing to the adjoining bathroom and starting the bath, Troy quickly search for supplies. Unfortunately, he'd never had a woman here, so he only have supplies that he uses. No fruity smelling soaps or lotions, just Suave shampoo and soap will have to do. He quickly moved into the bedroom to gather the small woman into his arms, hoping she remains unconscious through what Troy will have to do. If the damage to her body is any indication of how much pain she will be in while he cleans and doctors her wounds, she will want to be oblivious. She whimpers with the slight movement, but when he look down, he see that she is still out cold. Troy carries Amber into the bathroom, kneel down on one knee by the tub and rest her small body on his leg. Undressing her from her remaining shredded tank top and cotton shorts, only to realize there is nothing on underneath, sends his pulse into overdrive. Troy cursed his good and his bad luck at the same time while slowly lowering her into the warm water.
    Submissive Affair
    Fantasy · Penegrine_Paul
  • Loraine_Michael
    Troy's cabin is nestled in a thick mass of trees that anyone would miss if they didn't know what to look for. Having a perimeter fence with no trespassing signs usually stops trespassers, although, sometimes a determined hunter gets through. It's the high-tech security system and cameras that prevent anyone from breaching his private domain.
    Submissive Affair
    Fantasy · Penegrine_Paul
  • Loraine_Michael


    The pounding in her head is excruciating. Something thick and wet slides down her face with a faint drip to the hard surface below. Her arms feel weighed down, and no matter how hard she tries to move, she can't raise her hand to her face to wipe away the stickiness. "Where am I? "Who am I? "What happened to me that I feel this much pain? Amber asked herself while she groans in pain. With her face pressed to the cold, hard ground, her shallow breath sucks in the earthy smell of dirt; she must be outside. Trying to open her eyes to take in her surroundings becomes another impossible feat. She shivers uncontrollably when a chilled breeze flows over her skin, confirming her outside theory. "Am I on the verge of death? "Am I in Heaven? I can't see the bright light or any light for that matter. "
    Submissive Affair
    Fantasy · Penegrine_Paul